Sunday 5 June, 2011



Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer these questions.
1. Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, V X belonging to different cities viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata' Bangalore' Hyderabad and Trivandrum, not necessarily in the same order' went to USA for attending a Conference. Each one had a different specialisation viz. Literature, Physics, Economics, Marketing' Computers Textile Engineering and lnformation Technology.
II. 'S' is from Chennai and'Q' does not have specialisation in Textile or Economics. R is a man of Marketing and comes from Mumbai. The person from Kolkata has specialisation in Computers. 'P' who is specialised in Literature does not belong to Delhi. V having specialisation in Physics is from Trivandrum' Information Technology is the specialisation of X who comes from Bangalore.
Person City Specialisation
P Hyderabad Literature
Q Calcutta Computers
R Mumbai Marketing
S Chennai Texile/Economics
T Delhi Texile/Economics
V Trivandrum Physics
X Bangalore Information Technology

1. which of the following persons is from Delhi?
(a) P
(b) S
(c) T
(d) S or T
(e) None of these

2. Who is a Taxtile Engineer?
(a) S
(b) T
(c) V
(d) S or T
(e) None of these
Ans. (e)

3. Person with specialisation in Literature comes from which of
(a) Bangalore
(b) Kolkata
(d) Hyderabad
(c) Delhi
(e) None of these

4. Which of the following combinations of person' city and specialisation is correct?
(a) S-Chennai-Economics
(b) S-Chennai-Textile
(c) Q-Kolkata-Computers
(d) T-Delhi economics
(e) None of these

5. Who is specialised in Computers?
(a) Q
(b) S
(c) T
(d) Data inadequate
(e) None of these

Ans. (1-5) :
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
XYZ Limited Company organised an exhibition of machine tools. The exhibition was opened on all the weekdays for public. Certain pass codes were issued to he visitors as entry card, The pass code of entry card was changed every hour according to a certain rule as shown below' The entry time of the first batch of the visitors was 9 AM and that for the last batch was 7 PM' Each batch of the was allowed only one hour' The lunch time was from 1PM to 2 PM,
Batch I (9AM to 10AM)
Pass code: course easy set for each year was
Batch III (10 AM to 11AM)
Pass code: easy each course for was set year
Batch III (11 AM to 12 Noon)
Pass code: each was easy for year course set and so on.

6-10. After careful analysis of the given pass code for successive batches we can conclude that the pass code for the next batch is generated by rearranging the words of the pass code of previous batch in the following manner:
BATCH I (9AM to 10 AM)
Pass code:
1              2        3         4         5         6          7
course   easy  set      for      each    year   was
BATCH II (10 AM to 11 AM)
Pass code :
2        5         1           4          7           3          6
easy each   course  for      was      set      year
1        2         3           4         5           6           7
BATCH III (11 AM to 12 Noon)
Pass code:
2         5          1       4        7          3          6
each  was   easy   for     year    course  set
1          2        3        4        5          6           7
BATCH IV  (12 Noon to 1 PM)
Pass code:
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
was  year   each     for     set       easy   course
1        2          3         4        5           6          7
BATCH V (2PM to 3 PM)
Pass code:
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
year set      was     for      course  each    easy
1        2         3          4         5          6          7
BATCH VI (3 PM to 4 PM)
Pass code:
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
set   course  year   for     easy    was     each
1         2         3         4         5          6          7
Pass code
       2        5       1      4         7          3          6
course  easy   set    for    each    year    was
     1         2       3        4        5         6         7
Pass code :
2        5          1         4         7        3          6
easy each   course  for    was    set      year
1         2         3         4        5      6          7
BATCH IX (6 PM to 7 PM)
Pass code:
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
each was     easy    for    year    course  set
1        2          3         4         5          6           7
BATCH X (7 PM to 8 PM)
Pass code :
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
was year    each    for     set       easy   course
Thus, we see that after Batch VI, the pass code for each subsequent batch is repeated starting pairs of Batches have the same pass code
(a) Batch I and Batch VII
(b) Batch II and Batch VIII
(c) Batch III and Batch IX
(d) Batch IV and Batch X
On the basis of above analysis we can write any required pass code directly from the given pass code in the following manner.
BATCH                               Pass code
I 1

6. If the pass code for the batch entering g at 12 Noon is "she the girl is clever very good", then what will be the pass code for the batch entering at 3 PM?
(a) clever good is the very she girl
(b) clever good the is she very girl
(c) clever good the very is she girl
(d) clever good very is the she girl
(e) None of these
(e) Ans. BATCH IV (12 Noon to 1 PM)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
she the girl is clever very good
BATCH VI (3 PM to 4 PM)
3 1 6 4 2 7 5
clever good the is very she girl

7. The pass code of which of the following batches will be similar to the Pass code for the batch III?
(a) VI
(b) VII
(c) VIII
(d) IX
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. The pass code for the batch IX will be similar to the pass code for the batch III.

8. If the pass code for the batch III is "pin to the point is sharp not", then what will be the pass code for the batch V ?
(a) is not to sharp point pin the
(b) is not to point sharp pin the
(c) not is to sharP Point Pin the
(d) not is to Point sharP Pin the
(e) None of these
BATCH III (11 AM to 12 Noon)
5 7 2 4 6 1 3
pin to the point is sharp not
BATCH V (2 PM to 3 PM)
6 3 7 4 1 5 2
is not to point sharp pin the

9.If the pass code for the second batch is "for the life is good change got" then the pass code for which of the following batches is "got change good is life the for"?
(a) IV
(b) III
(c) V
(d) VI
(e) None of these
(c) Ans. BATCH II (10 AM to 11 PM)
2 5 1 4 7 3 6
for the life is good charge got
Pass code:
6 3 7 4 1 5 2
got charge good is life the for
Clearly, this is the pass code for Batch V.

10. If the pass code for batch IV is "do how will the you job now" then what will be the pass code for batch II?
(a) job will now the do you how
(b) job now will the do you how
(c) job will how the do you now
(d) job will the now do you how
(e) None of these
(a) Ans. Batch IV (12 Noon to 1 PM)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
do how will the you job now
BATCH II (10 AM to 11 AM)
2 5 1 4 7 3 6
job will now the do you how
irections (11-15): In each question below is given a statement following by two assumptions numbered I and II An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted' You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Give answer (a) if only assumption I is implicit.
Give answer (b) if only assumption II is implicit.
Give answer (c) if either I or II is implicit.
Give answer (d) if neither i nor II is implicit, and
Give answer (e) if both I and Il are implicit

11. Statement: 'Country 'A' would explore all channels to diffuse current tensions with country 'B' and bring peace on its borders'-Statement of spokesperson of country 'A'.
I. Country 'A' is desirous to diffuse current tension and restore peace with country 'B'.
II. It is desirable to use more than one channel when complex issues are to be settled amicably.
(e) Ans. It is clear from the statement that both the assumptions are implicit. The statement clearly implies the first assumption. Again, if it is not desirable to use more than one channel to resolve complete issues why such statement would have been made.

12. Statement : Two months ago, it was announced that central government pensioners would get dearness relief with immediate effect but till date, bank have to credited the arrears'-A statement from a pensioner's Forum.
I. Most of the banks nominally take care of the pensioners.
II. Two months time is sufficient for the government machinery to lnov and give effect to pensioners.
(b) Ans. Only assumption II is implicit in the statement. If two months period is not sufficient to implement such policy decision, been made.

13. Statement: The bridge was built at the cost of Rs. 128 crore's and even civil bus service is not utilising it, what a pity to see it gravely under utilized citizen's view on a new flyover linking east and west sides of a suburb.
I. The building of such bridges does not objective.
II There has to be some accountability and spent on public projects.
(d) Ans. Neither of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. On the basis of the precedent it erroneous to hypothesise that the flyovers do not serve any public objective.

14. Statement: 'Use our product to improve memory of your child, it is based on natural herbs and has no harmful side effects,- Advertisement of a pharmaceutical Company.
I. People generally opt for a medical product which is useful and has no harmful side effects.
II. Improving memory of child is considered as important by many parents.
(e) Ans. Both the assumption are implicit in the statement. The point which is highlighted in an advertisement is liked by people and is also desirable.

15. Statement: The traders of State 'K' would observe a statewide band as the state has failed to meet their demand to resolve sales tax and other issues.
I. The traders of State 'K' have earlier tried other usual procedures to get their problem solved.
II. The State ,K' is not keen to solve the problem of traders.
(a) Ans. Only assumption I is implicit in the statement. The traders of state 'K' resorted to observe bandh when other measures or efforts field to resolve the problem. Note down the use of phrase"the state has field". "It implies that the State 'K' made efforts to resolve the issue but field. It does not imply that is not interested in resolving the problem.

Directions (16-20): In the following questions the symbols +,×,?, @ and $ are used with the following meaning
A + B means 'A is neither smaller nor greater than B.
A x B means 'A is neither equal to nor smaller than B.
A ? B means ,A is neither greater nor equal to B.
A @ B means ,A is either greater or equal to B.
A $ B means ,A is not equal to B.
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the conclusions I
and II given below them is/are definitely True?

Give answer (a) if only Conclusion I is true.
Give answer (b) if only Conclusion II is true.
Give answer (c) if either I or II is true.
Give answer (d) if neither I nor II is true.
Give answer (e) if both I and II are true.
(16-20): First of all define each symbol clearly:
(i) A + B means not less than B or A not greater than B
(ii) A × B means A ≠ B or A not less than B It implies that A > B
(iii) A ? B means A not greater than B or A ≠ B It implies that A < B
(iv) A @ B means A ≥ B
(v) A $ B means A ≠ B
It implies that A > B or A < B

16. Statements:
C + D, D $ M, M ? C
Conclusions: I. M $ C
II D + M
(d) Ans. Statements
C + D, D $ M, M ? C
After conversion
C = D, D > M or D < M, M < C  or,
(i) C = D > M < C
(ii) C = D < M < C
I. M $ C ⇒ M > C or M < C
It is clear that M is smaller than C.
II. D + M ⇒ D = M
It is clear that D is either greater or smaller that M.

17. Statements:
K $ M, M × B, K + B
Conclusions: I. M × K
II. K ? M
(e) Ans. Statements
K $ M, M × B, K + B
After conversion
K > M or K < M, M > B, K = B or, M > B = K
I. M × K ⇒ M > K
K is equal to B and M is greater than B. Therefore, M is definitely greater than K.
II. K ? M ⇒ K < M
It is clear than K is smaller than M.

18. ' Statements:
F@ G, G ? P, P × H
conclusions I, F@ H
II. H × G
(d) Ans. Statements
F @ G, G ? P, P × H
After conversion
F ≥ G, G < P, P > H
or, (i) F > G < P > H
(ii) F = G < P > H
I. F @ H ⇒ F ≥ H
II. H × G = H > G
Neither conclusion I nor II is definitely true.

19. Statements:
M @ T, T × R, R $ Q
Conclusions: I.M ? R
II. M ? Q
(d) Ans. Statements
M @ T. T × R, R $ Q
After conversion
M ≥ T,T > R, R > Q or R <Q
or, (i) M = T > R > Q
(ii) M > T > R > Q
(iii) M > T > R < Q
(iv) M = T > R < Q
I. M ? R ⇒ M < R
It is clear than M is greater than R. therefore, conclusion I is not true. s
II. M ? Q ⇒ M < Q
From statement (i) and (ii) M is greater than Q built is not possible to determine any definite relation between M and Q from
statements (iii) and (iv).

20. Statements:
D × G, G @ K, K + M
Conclusions: I, M + G
II. D × K
(b) Ans. Statements
D × G, G @ K, K + M
After conversion
D > G, G ≥ K, K = M
or, (i) D > G > K = M
(ii) D > G = K = M
I. M + G ⇒ M = G
M is either equal to or smaller than G.
II. D × K ⇒ D > K
It is clear that D is greater that K.
Therefore, only conclusion II is definitely true.

Directions (21-25) Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statement numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and
Give answer (a): if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, when the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (b) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (c) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (d) : if the data even in both statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (e) if the data in both statement I and II together are necessary to answer the question.21. Which village 'B' is to the North-East of village 'A' ?
I. Village 'B' is to the North of A, Villages C and D are to the East and West of village B, respectively.
II. Village 'P' is to the South of village 'A' and village 'E' is to the East of village 'P' , village 'K' is to the North of village 'P'.
(a) Ans. From statement I

It is clear that village C is to the North-East of village A.
From statement

We cannot solve the questions with the help of this diagram.

22. Can Rohan from office 'X' in January 2006, with full Pension benefits?
I. Rohan will complete 30 years of service in office 'X' in April 2006 and desires to retire.
II. As per office 'X' rules an employee has to complete minimum 30 years of service and attain age of 60 . Rohan has 3 years to complete ago of 60.
(e) Ans. From both the statements it is clear that if Rohan retires from offices. 'X' in January 2006 he could not get full pension benefits.

23. Among five friends P,Q,R,S and T, who ranks third in terms of salary obtained by them ?
I . T's salary is more than P and Q but not more then S.
II. R's salary is lowest among them .
Ans. (d) From statement I
S > T > P and Q
From statement II
  >     R  
From both the statements
S > T > P & Q > R
Either P or Q will come at the third place.

24. How is P related to Q ?
I. J has two daughter, one of them 'R' is married to 'P'
II. Q is the mother of 'S', the younger sister of 'R'.
(e) Ans. From statement I
P is the husband of R, who is the daughter of J.
There is no information about the other daughter of J.
From statement II
Q is the mother of S and R.
S is daughter of Q and sister of R.
From both the statements
J is the husband of Q.
Q is the wife of J.
J is the father of R and S.
R and S are daughters of J and Q.
Q is the mother of R and S.
P is the husband of R and hence P is the son-in-low of Q.

25. Which word in the code language means.'flower'?
I. 'de fu la pane' means 'rose flower is beautiful' and 'laquiz' means 'beautiful tree''
II. 'de la chin' means 'red rose flower' and 'pa chin' means 'red tea' .
(d) Ans. From statement I
de fu
pne ⇒ rose flower is
quiz ⇒ beautiful tree
No answer.
From statement II
de  la
rose flower
Both the statement provide different coding pattern.

Directions (26-30): Below is given a passage followed by several possible inferences which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage' You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
Mark answer (a) if the inference is "definitely true", i.e., it properly follows from the statement of facts given.
Mark answer (b) if the inference is "probably true" though not "definitely true" in the light of the facts given'
Mark answer (c) if the "data are inadequate" i.e. from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false.
Mark answer (d) if the inference is "probably false" though not "definitely false" in the light of the.facts given".
Mark answer (e) if the inference "definitely false" i.e., it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts.
In India the asbestos industry is growing and employs more than 15,000 people in 75 units which are spread over several states like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh' Maharashtra' Andhra Pradesh etc. Surprisingly, advanced countries are banning cancer casing asbestos products, multinational companies are from those countries which are setting up units in developing countries like India' One reason being lack of awareness in the society and indifference of the government machinery of these countries. Prolonged exposure to asbestos dust and fibres can cause lung cancer but most workers in India are too afraid to protest for fear of losing jobs. Some.of these factories are operating in Mumbai. Quite a few of the factories in India are not known to take adequate precautions to protect workers from asbestos dust.
The Government is taking several steps to provide medical inspection workers. In fact it has amended factories act to extend the provision to even those factories employing less than. 10 workers

26. The asbestos industry is one of the largest industries in India.
(e) Ans. It is not judicious to regard asbestos industry as one of the largest industries in India considering the number of employee engaged in this industry and also the number of units of this industry in India.

27. The asbestos industries in India are located in few metropolitan Pockets only.
(e) Ans. It is said that asbestos industries in India are located in several states.

28. The advanced countries are concerned and careful to protect health hazards of its people.
(a) Ans. Advanced countries are banning cancer causing asbestos products. it implies that advanced countries are concerned and
careful to protect health hazards of their people.

29. The demand for asbestos products appears to be growing in lndia.
(a) Ans. It can be safely assumed that industry is growing in India, there certainly exists demand for its product.

30.The Governments of developing countries appear to be not taking appropriate measures while granting
permission to set up production units of multinational companies in their countries.

(a) Ans. Consider the statement, "............ indifference of government machinery ...................."

Directions (31-35) : Given below are pairs of events A and B. You hove to read both the events A and B and decide their nature of relationship' you have to assume that the information given in A and B are true and you will not assume anything beyond the given information in deciding the answer.
Give answer (a): if 'A' is the effect and 'B' is its immediate and principal cause.
Give answer (b): if 'A is the immediate and principal cause and 'B' is its effect.
Give answer (c): if 'A is an effect but 'B' is not its immediate and principal cause
Give answer (d): if 'B' is an effect but 'A' is not its immediate and principal cause.
Give answer (e): None of these

31. Event (A): We can get anything with money
Event (B): Today money is the most important.
Ans. (a)

32. Event (A): Due to mechanisation the life of human beings is becoming more comfortable in urban areas.
Event (B) : Life is becoming insecure in urban areas.
Ans. (b)

33. Event (A): The Government has decided recently to provide additional dreamless allowance to its employees.
Event (B): Censurer Price Index is increasing for the last five months.
Ans. (a)
34, Event (A) : The children of younger generation do better in their study.
Event (B): The parents of children now realise the importance of education very well.
Ans. (c)

35. Event (A) : There is considerable increase in the number of people having computers.
Event (B): Computer education is being made compulsory in schools.
Ans. (a)

Directions (36-40) : Read the following information and answer the questions based on it.
I. The length, breadth and height of a rectangular piece of wood are 4 cm, 3 cm, and 5 cm. respectively.
II Opposite sides of 5 cm. × 4 cm. piece are coloured in red color.
III. Opposite sides of 4 cm. ×3 cm. are coloured in blue.
IV Rest 5 cm. ×3 cm. are coloured in green in both sides.
V. Now the piece is cut in such way that a cubed of 1 cm. × 1cm. ×1cm. will be made.

36. How many cuboids shall have all the three colours?
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14
(e) None of these
(a) Ans. The cubes located at the eight corners would have all the three colours.

37. How many cuboids shall have not any color?
(a) No any
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 6
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. The six inside cubes will have no face coloured.

38. How many cuboids shall have only two colours red and green in their two sides?
(a) 8
(b) 12
(c) 16
(d) 20
(e) None of these
(b) Ans. Twelve cubes will have two colours red and green in their two sides.

39. Anita was doing a survey in different companies,by working on all days of the week. She started with company 'A' and on completing her work she went to company 'B' on the third day. She was required to work there for three days and then went to company 'C' on the fourth day. She worked in company 'C' on the fourth day. There after She worked in company 'D' and completed her work on fourth day after working for three days which was a Saturday' On which day did she start her work in company A?

(a) Thursday

(b) Saturday
(c) Sunday
(d) Monday
(e) None of these
(a) Ans.
6 7,8,9 10

2 Day 3 Day 1Day 3 Day
10th Day → Saturday
3rd Day → Saturday
Now, 2nd Day → Friday
1st Day → Thursday

40. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ATMOSPHERE which have as many letters between them as in the English alphabet?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

Thus, there are two such pairs of letters.

Directions (41-45): In each question below are given some statements followed by four conclusions numbered I' II' III and IV. You have to lake the given statements to be true even if they seem at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.

41. Statements : Some ice are rings.
No ring is Paint.
Some rings are gold.
(I) No any gold is Paint.
(II) No any ice is gold.
(III) Some rings are Paints.
(IV) All gold's are rings.
(a) Only I and III follow
(b) Only I and II follow
(c) Only III and lV follow
(d) Only II and III follow
(e) None of these
Ans. (e)

The shaded portion represents doubtful proposition. Since two of the premises are Particular, the Universal conclusions can be discarded. Therefore, conclusions I, II and IV are invalid. For conclusion III, the second and the third premises are relevant. We can align the premises by converting the third premise and changing the order of the premises. Thus,
Some gold are rings .

No ring is paint.
We know that
I + E ⇒ O Type conclusion
Therefore, our derived conclusion would be :
"Some gold are paints".
Similarly, we can take the first and the second premises.
Some ice are rings

No ring is paint.
We know that ,
I + E ⇒ O type conclusion
Thus , our derived conclusion would be :
"Some ice are not pains".

42. Statements:
All gates are flowers.
Some gates are fruits.
Some flowers are clips.
(I) Some flowers are fruits.
(II) Some cliPs are fruits.
(III) Some clips are gates.
(V) No any flower is fruit.
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only I and IV follow
(c) Only II and IV follow
(d) Only I and III follow
(e) None of these
42. (a)

For conclusion I the first and the second premises are relevant. We can align these premises by converting the second premise and
changing the order of the premises.
Some fruits are gates

All gates are flowers
We know that,
I + A ⇒ I type conclusion.
Thus, our derived conclusion would be :
"Some fruits are flowers".
Conclusion I is the conversion of our derived conclusion. Since all the premises are Affirmative, no Negative conclusion can be derived
from them. Therefore, conclusion IV is invalid.

43. Statements:
No candle is bell.
Some shoes are bells.
All tables are shoes.
(I) Some tables are bells.
(II) No table is bell.
(III) Some shoe are candles.
(IV) No shoes is candle.
(a) Only I and IV follow
(b) Only I and II follow
(c) Only III and lV follow
(d) Only I and III follow
(e) None of these
(e) Ans. From the first two premises we can derive the conclusion : "Some shoes are not candles".
No candle is bell.

Some bells are shoes
We know that,
E + I ⇒ O, type conclusion.

The shaded protion implies doubtful proposition. Conclusion I and II from complementary pair.Therefore, either conclusion I or II
Similarly, conclusion III and IV from complementary pair. Therefore, either conclusion III or IV follows.

44. Statements :
Some films are clouds. All rats are clouds. Some clouds are chairs.
(I) No film is chair.
(II) Some rats are films.
(III) Some clouds are rats.
(IV) Some chairs are rats.
(a) Only I and III follow
(b) Either II or IV follows
(c) No any conclusion follows
(d) Only IV follows
(e) None of these
(e) Ans. All the three premises are Affirmative and hence the Negative conclusion is invalid. Therefore, conclusion I does not follow.

Conclusion III is the conversion of the second premise.

45. Statements:
Some lice are slates.
All slates are apples.
No apple is car.
(I) Some cars are slates.
(II) Some lice are cars.
(III) Some apples are lice.
(IV) No car is lice.
(a) No any conclusion follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Only III follows
(d) Either II or IV and III follow
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

For conclusion III the first and the second premises are relevant. Both the premises are already aligned.
Some lice are slates.

All states are apples.
We know that
I + A ⇒ I type conversion.
Thus, our derived conclusion would be
"Some lice are apples".
Conclusion III is the conversion of the derived conclusion.
Conclusion II and IV from complementary pair. Hence either conclusion II or IV follows.

Directions (46-50) Read the following information to answer the questions : Symbolize the given number and

Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Symbol: × * ? ÷ $ • + ! D
(i) If any number begins by odd number then the odd number symbolized by @.
(ii) If any number ends by even number then the even number symbolized as ©.

46. Which of the following will be the symbol of 673258?
(a) • + ? * $ !
(b) @ + ? * $ !
(d) • + ? * $ ©
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. The given number ends with an even number and hence the last even number will be symbolized as ©.
6 7 3 2 5 8
+ ? * $ ©

47. Which of the following will be the symbol of 2364752 ?
(a) ? * • ÷ × @
(b) @ + ? * $ !
(c) © ? + $ * !
(d) • + ? * $ ©
(e) None of these
(e) Ans.
2 3 6 4 7 5
* ? ÷  + $

48. Which of the following will be the symbol of 846721?
(a) © ÷ • + * ×
(b) ! ÷ • + * @
(c) ! ÷ • + * ×
(d) © ÷ • + * ×
(e) None of these
(c) Ans.
8 4 6 7 2 1
!   ÷ * ×

49. Which of the following will be the symbol of 178524?
(a) © + ! $ * @
(b) @ × + ! $ ©
(c) © + ! $ * ÷
(d) * + ! $ ÷ ©
(e) None of these
(a) Ans. The number being with odd number and hence 1 will be written as @ and the number ends with even number and hence 4
will be written as©.
1 7 8 5 2 4
@ + ! $ * ©

50. Which of the following will be the symbol of 25486?
(a) * $ ÷ ! D
(b) * $ ÷ ! ©
(c) © $ ÷ ! •
(d) * $ ! ÷ •
(e) None of these
(b) Ans. The given number ends with even number and hence 6 will be written as ©.
2 5 4 8 6
* $ ÷  © 

51 . If 3 is subtracted from the middle digit of the following numbers and then the position of the digits are reversed, which of the following will be the last digit of the middle number after they are arranged in descending order ?
589 362 554 371 442
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 1
(e) 3
(e) Ans. According to question.


955 > 425 >
> 214 > 143
        Middle Number
Last digit
52. In a certain code language GERMINATION is written as IMGRENNOAIT. How is ESTABLISHED written in that code?
(e) None of these
(b) Ans. There are 11 letters each in the given word and its code. It means that there is one code letter for each letter of the given word. After careful observation of the given word and its code it is clear that the code has been generated by rearranging the' letters of the given word.
The middle letter of the given word remains at its position while other letters of both sides of it are rearranged in a certain way.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
The letters in each half have been rearranged in the order:


Therefore, out required answer is option (b).

53. In a certain code language POULTRY is written as PRQXNVTY. How is TREASON written in that code?
(e) None of these
(d). Ans. There is one letter more in the code as compared to the letters of the given words. The pattern of coding is as follows.
O +2
U +2
L +2
T +2
R +2

R +2
E +2
A +2
S +2
O +2

Therefore, our required answer is option (d).

54. If in the English alphabet, all the letters at odd numbered positions are written in serial order from left to right followed by the letters at even numbered positions written in reverse order, which letter will be sixth to the left of seventeenth letter from left?
(a) D
(b) B
(c) V
(d) U
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. According to question the new sequence would be :
11th from left
6th to the left of 17th from left means (17 - 6) = 11th letter
from left i.e., 21st letter from left in the original sequence.

55. If it is possible to make a meaningful word from the second, fourth, fifth, eleventh and thirteenth letters of the word ESTABLISHMENT using each letter only once, write second letter of that word as your answer, if more than one such word can be formed, write M as your answer and if no such word can be formed, write 'X'as your answer.
(a) B
(b) A
(c) E
(d) M
(e) X
(d) Ans.
6 7 8 9 10
Specified letters :SA,B,E,T
Meaningful words: BEAST,

Directions (56-60) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :An institute XYZ provides scholarship to its employees for higher studies in the United States of America. Following ,are conditions forwarding scholarship to the employees. The candidate must:
(i) not be more than 30 years of age as on April 1,2006.
(ii) have secured more than 70 per cent marks in Post-graduation and 75 per cent marks in Graduation
(iii) have at least two years work experience in the XYZ institute.
(iv) be ready to sign a bond of two years with the company.
(v) have got A or A + rating for his/ her works in the last two years.
However, in case of a candidate who fulfills all other criteria EXCEPT.
(a) (ii) above but has secured minimum 60 per cent marks in Graduation and Post-Graduation and he/she has got
Ph.D. may be referred to the Director.

(b) (v) above but has work experience of three years with ratings B +, A or A + may be referred to the Chairman.
(c) (iv) above but he/she has to leave the institute and he is ready to pay Rs. 50,000, may be refined to the President. Based on these criteria and information provided below, decide the course of action in each case. You are not to assume anything.The cases are given to you as on April 1,2006. If the data provided are not adequate to decide the given course of action, your answer will be "data inadequate".
Candidate                 CRITERIA
          or (iii) or                  or
(i) (ii) (a) (iv)           (c) (v)    (b)
Deepali - - -
Ajit - NG - -
Rajendra - - -
Harish N G - -
Tarique - - -

56. Deepali Mirza is working in XYZ institute for the lasttwo and half years. Her performance is good and has secured ratings A +. She has secured 70 per cent and 75 per cent marks in Graduation and Post-Graduation respectively. She is Post Graduate from Mathematics. She is ready to sign the bond of two years. Her date of birth is
3l. 03.1977' She has also done Ph.D.

(a) Data inadequate
(b) Refer to the Director
(c) Refer to the President
(d) Refer to the Chairman
(e) Not to be selected
(b)Ans. Deepali Mirza satisfies all the criteria except (ii) but she does satisfy, (a) instead. Therefore, her case may be referred to the

57. Ajit D' souza is a Post-Graduate in Physics with 75 per cent marks and passed Graduation with 77 per cent marks' He is working in the institute since 2002 and has always got A ratings on performance. He was 25 years old at the time of joining the institute. He is keen to seek job in the United States of America.
(a) Refer to the Chairman
(b) Refer to the President
(c) Data inadequate
(d) Not to be selected
(e) To be selected.
(c) Ans. In case of Ajit D'souza no information is given regarding the criterion (iv).

58. Rajendra Bhave is a post-graduate in Psychology' He had secured 72% marks at post-graduation and 78% marks at graduation. He is working in XYZ institute for more than two years and his performance ratings are A + and A respectively in the last two years. He is not keen to sign the bond but does not mind paying Rs. 50,000/- if required to leave' His date of birth is 14.8.1976.
(a) To be selected
(b) Refer to the Chairman
(c) Refer to the Director
(d) Refer to the President
(e) Not to be selected
(d)Ans. Rajendra Bhave satisfies all the criteria except (iv) but he does satisfy (c) instead. Therefore, his case may be referred to the

59. Harish Chheda has a bright academic career throughout He has done post-graduation with 65% marks and has submitted Ph.D. thesis. His date of birth is 27 .9.1979. He is working for last three years in the XYZ institute and has always got A ratings on performance. He is ready to pay Rs' 50,000/- in case if required to leave.
(a) To be selected
(b) Refer to the President
(c) Refer to the Director
(d) Data inadequate
(e) Not to be selected
(d) Ans. In case of Harish Chheda complete information (Marks in Graduation) is not given regarding the criterion (ii) or (a).

60. 28 years old Tarique Anwar is a post-graduate in Chemistry and has registered for Ph. D. He scored 80o/o and 78% marks at graduation and post-graduation respectively. He is working in the XYZ institute since 2001. His performance ratings in the last three years are B+, A+ and A respectively. He is ready to sign two years' bond with the institute.
(a) To be selected
(b) Refer to the President
(c) Refer to the Chairman
(d) Refer to the Director
(e) Not to be selected
(a) Ans. (a) Tarique Anwar satisfies all the criteria.

Directions (61-65): In each of the .questions given below which one of the five answer figures should come after the problem figures if the sequence were continued ?

61. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(d) Ans. The movement and changes of designs in the subsequent figures can be shown as :
From Problem Figure (1) to (2)

From problem Figure (2) to (3)

These two steps are repeated alternately and a new design appears in the centre in each subsequent figure.

62. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(a) Ans. In the subsequent figures respectively one, one and half and half part (s) of triangle get (s) shaded in a set pattern.

63. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(d) Ans. From Problem Figure (1) to (2) the lower design ascends vertically and it is replaced by a new design, the left design moves anticlockwise and the right design moves to the left. Similar changes would occur from Problem Figure (5) to Answer Figure.

64. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(d) Ans. From Problem Figure (1) to (2) the line segments at the left end rotate through 45o anticlockwise while that of upper line segments at the right end rotates through 45o anticlockwise. Similar changes occur from Problem Figure (3) to (a) and from Problem Figure (5) to Answer Figure.
65. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(c) Ans. From Problem Figure (1) to (2) all the designs move half a step in clockwise direction and the first and the last designs interchange position while a new designs is introduced in front of the pre-existing designs. From Problem Figure (2) to (3) all the designs move one step in clockwise direction and again the first and the last designs interchange position so as the two middle designs and a new design is introduced in front of the pre-existing designs. From Problem Figure (3) to (4) all the designs move 1(1/2)
steps in clockwise direction and the first two designs interchange position with the last two designs and a new design is introduced in front of the pre-existing designs. From Problem Figures (a) to (5) all the designs move two steps in clockwise direction and the first and the last designs have interchanged position so as the second and the second last designs and litre two middle design have interchange position while a new design is introduced in front of the pre-existing designs. Therefore, from problem Figure (5) to Answer Figure all the designs would move two and one-half steps in clockwise direction and also rearrangement of designs would take place and a new design
will be introduced in front of the pre-existing designs.

Directions(66-70) In each of the following questions a related pair of figures is followed by five numbered pairs of figures Select the pair of figure which shows similar relationship as that given in the original pair. you are required to select the best answer from among fairly close alternatives.


Ans. (c) Following changes occur from first figure to second figure.


(d) Ans. Second figure is the mirror image of the first figure.


(b) Ans. From first figure to second figure black leaflet rotates through 45° anticlockwise and the white leaflet rotates through 90°clockwise :


(d) Ans. From first figure to second figure the line segment with triangle rotates 90° clockwise while the line segment with circle rotates 135° anticlockwise.


(c) Ans. From first figure to second figure the diagonally opposite designs inter-change position.

Directions(71-75) In each of the following questions in four out of the.five figures, element I is related to element II in the same particular way. Find out the figure in which the element I is not so related to element II.

71. .

(d) Ans. The main design rotates 90' anticlockwise. The inner and outer line segments move two steps anticlockwise

72. .

(b) Ans. Except in figure (2), in all other pairs of figLries the shaded portion ascends or descends.


(c) Ans. Except in figure pair (3) in all other pairs of figure from element I to II the number of arrows is dee creased by one While the number of equal signs is increased by one. Again the extreme left arrow rotates 135° clockwise but in figure (3) if has been rotated through 180° clockwise".

74. .

(c) Ans. The smaller designs rotates 90° anticlockwise and the smaller designs become larger while the larger designs become smaller from element I to II Again the right design is inverted.


(e) Ans. In all other pairs of figures there is one unshaded triangle to the left of shaded triangle.



Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer these questions.
1. Seven persons P, Q, R, S, T, V X belonging to different cities viz. Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata' Bangalore' Hyderabad and Trivandrum, not necessarily in the same order' went to USA for attending a Conference. Each one had a different specialisation viz. Literature, Physics, Economics, Marketing' Computers Textile Engineering and lnformation Technology.
II. 'S' is from Chennai and'Q' does not have specialisation in Textile or Economics. R is a man of Marketing and comes from Mumbai. The person from Kolkata has specialisation in Computers. 'P' who is specialised in Literature does not belong to Delhi. V having specialisation in Physics is from Trivandrum' Information Technology is the specialisation of X who comes from Bangalore.
Person City Specialisation
P Hyderabad Literature
Q Calcutta Computers
R Mumbai Marketing
S Chennai Texile/Economics
T Delhi Texile/Economics
V Trivandrum Physics
X Bangalore Information Technology

1. which of the following persons is from Delhi?
(a) P
(b) S
(c) T
(d) S or T
(e) None of these

2. Who is a Taxtile Engineer?
(a) S
(b) T
(c) V
(d) S or T
(e) None of these
Ans. (e)

3. Person with specialisation in Literature comes from which of
(a) Bangalore
(b) Kolkata
(d) Hyderabad
(c) Delhi
(e) None of these

4. Which of the following combinations of person' city and specialisation is correct?
(a) S-Chennai-Economics
(b) S-Chennai-Textile
(c) Q-Kolkata-Computers
(d) T-Delhi economics
(e) None of these

5. Who is specialised in Computers?
(a) Q
(b) S
(c) T
(d) Data inadequate
(e) None of these

Ans. (1-5) :
Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
XYZ Limited Company organised an exhibition of machine tools. The exhibition was opened on all the weekdays for public. Certain pass codes were issued to he visitors as entry card, The pass code of entry card was changed every hour according to a certain rule as shown below' The entry time of the first batch of the visitors was 9 AM and that for the last batch was 7 PM' Each batch of the was allowed only one hour' The lunch time was from 1PM to 2 PM,
Batch I (9AM to 10AM)
Pass code: course easy set for each year was
Batch III (10 AM to 11AM)
Pass code: easy each course for was set year
Batch III (11 AM to 12 Noon)
Pass code: each was easy for year course set and so on.

6-10. After careful analysis of the given pass code for successive batches we can conclude that the pass code for the next batch is generated by rearranging the words of the pass code of previous batch in the following manner:
BATCH I (9AM to 10 AM)
Pass code:
1              2        3         4         5         6          7
course   easy  set      for      each    year   was
BATCH II (10 AM to 11 AM)
Pass code :
2        5         1           4          7           3          6
easy each   course  for      was      set      year
1        2         3           4         5           6           7
BATCH III (11 AM to 12 Noon)
Pass code:
2         5          1       4        7          3          6
each  was   easy   for     year    course  set
1          2        3        4        5          6           7
BATCH IV  (12 Noon to 1 PM)
Pass code:
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
was  year   each     for     set       easy   course
1        2          3         4        5           6          7
BATCH V (2PM to 3 PM)
Pass code:
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
year set      was     for      course  each    easy
1        2         3          4         5          6          7
BATCH VI (3 PM to 4 PM)
Pass code:
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
set   course  year   for     easy    was     each
1         2         3         4         5          6          7
Pass code
       2        5       1      4         7          3          6
course  easy   set    for    each    year    was
     1         2       3        4        5         6         7
Pass code :
2        5          1         4         7        3          6
easy each   course  for    was    set      year
1         2         3         4        5      6          7
BATCH IX (6 PM to 7 PM)
Pass code:
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
each was     easy    for    year    course  set
1        2          3         4         5          6           7
BATCH X (7 PM to 8 PM)
Pass code :
2        5          1         4         7          3          6
was year    each    for     set       easy   course
Thus, we see that after Batch VI, the pass code for each subsequent batch is repeated starting pairs of Batches have the same pass code
(a) Batch I and Batch VII
(b) Batch II and Batch VIII
(c) Batch III and Batch IX
(d) Batch IV and Batch X
On the basis of above analysis we can write any required pass code directly from the given pass code in the following manner.
BATCH                               Pass code
I 1

6. If the pass code for the batch entering g at 12 Noon is "she the girl is clever very good", then what will be the pass code for the batch entering at 3 PM?
(a) clever good is the very she girl
(b) clever good the is she very girl
(c) clever good the very is she girl
(d) clever good very is the she girl
(e) None of these
(e) Ans. BATCH IV (12 Noon to 1 PM)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
she the girl is clever very good
BATCH VI (3 PM to 4 PM)
3 1 6 4 2 7 5
clever good the is very she girl

7. The pass code of which of the following batches will be similar to the Pass code for the batch III?
(a) VI
(b) VII
(c) VIII
(d) IX
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. The pass code for the batch IX will be similar to the pass code for the batch III.

8. If the pass code for the batch III is "pin to the point is sharp not", then what will be the pass code for the batch V ?
(a) is not to sharp point pin the
(b) is not to point sharp pin the
(c) not is to sharP Point Pin the
(d) not is to Point sharP Pin the
(e) None of these
BATCH III (11 AM to 12 Noon)
5 7 2 4 6 1 3
pin to the point is sharp not
BATCH V (2 PM to 3 PM)
6 3 7 4 1 5 2
is not to point sharp pin the

9.If the pass code for the second batch is "for the life is good change got" then the pass code for which of the following batches is "got change good is life the for"?
(a) IV
(b) III
(c) V
(d) VI
(e) None of these
(c) Ans. BATCH II (10 AM to 11 PM)
2 5 1 4 7 3 6
for the life is good charge got
Pass code:
6 3 7 4 1 5 2
got charge good is life the for
Clearly, this is the pass code for Batch V.

10. If the pass code for batch IV is "do how will the you job now" then what will be the pass code for batch II?
(a) job will now the do you how
(b) job now will the do you how
(c) job will how the do you now
(d) job will the now do you how
(e) None of these
(a) Ans. Batch IV (12 Noon to 1 PM)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
do how will the you job now
BATCH II (10 AM to 11 AM)
2 5 1 4 7 3 6
job will now the do you how
irections (11-15): In each question below is given a statement following by two assumptions numbered I and II An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted' You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.
Give answer (a) if only assumption I is implicit.
Give answer (b) if only assumption II is implicit.
Give answer (c) if either I or II is implicit.
Give answer (d) if neither i nor II is implicit, and
Give answer (e) if both I and Il are implicit

11. Statement: 'Country 'A' would explore all channels to diffuse current tensions with country 'B' and bring peace on its borders'-Statement of spokesperson of country 'A'.
I. Country 'A' is desirous to diffuse current tension and restore peace with country 'B'.
II. It is desirable to use more than one channel when complex issues are to be settled amicably.
(e) Ans. It is clear from the statement that both the assumptions are implicit. The statement clearly implies the first assumption. Again, if it is not desirable to use more than one channel to resolve complete issues why such statement would have been made.

12. Statement : Two months ago, it was announced that central government pensioners would get dearness relief with immediate effect but till date, bank have to credited the arrears'-A statement from a pensioner's Forum.
I. Most of the banks nominally take care of the pensioners.
II. Two months time is sufficient for the government machinery to lnov and give effect to pensioners.
(b) Ans. Only assumption II is implicit in the statement. If two months period is not sufficient to implement such policy decision, been made.

13. Statement: The bridge was built at the cost of Rs. 128 crore's and even civil bus service is not utilising it, what a pity to see it gravely under utilized citizen's view on a new flyover linking east and west sides of a suburb.
I. The building of such bridges does not objective.
II There has to be some accountability and spent on public projects.
(d) Ans. Neither of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. On the basis of the precedent it erroneous to hypothesise that the flyovers do not serve any public objective.

14. Statement: 'Use our product to improve memory of your child, it is based on natural herbs and has no harmful side effects,- Advertisement of a pharmaceutical Company.
I. People generally opt for a medical product which is useful and has no harmful side effects.
II. Improving memory of child is considered as important by many parents.
(e) Ans. Both the assumption are implicit in the statement. The point which is highlighted in an advertisement is liked by people and is also desirable.

15. Statement: The traders of State 'K' would observe a statewide band as the state has failed to meet their demand to resolve sales tax and other issues.
I. The traders of State 'K' have earlier tried other usual procedures to get their problem solved.
II. The State ,K' is not keen to solve the problem of traders.
(a) Ans. Only assumption I is implicit in the statement. The traders of state 'K' resorted to observe bandh when other measures or efforts field to resolve the problem. Note down the use of phrase"the state has field". "It implies that the State 'K' made efforts to resolve the issue but field. It does not imply that is not interested in resolving the problem.

Directions (16-20): In the following questions the symbols +,×,?, @ and $ are used with the following meaning
A + B means 'A is neither smaller nor greater than B.
A x B means 'A is neither equal to nor smaller than B.
A ? B means ,A is neither greater nor equal to B.
A @ B means ,A is either greater or equal to B.
A $ B means ,A is not equal to B.
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statements to be true, find out which of the conclusions I
and II given below them is/are definitely True?

Give answer (a) if only Conclusion I is true.
Give answer (b) if only Conclusion II is true.
Give answer (c) if either I or II is true.
Give answer (d) if neither I nor II is true.
Give answer (e) if both I and II are true.
(16-20): First of all define each symbol clearly:
(i) A + B means not less than B or A not greater than B
(ii) A × B means A ≠ B or A not less than B It implies that A > B
(iii) A ? B means A not greater than B or A ≠ B It implies that A < B
(iv) A @ B means A ≥ B
(v) A $ B means A ≠ B
It implies that A > B or A < B

16. Statements:
C + D, D $ M, M ? C
Conclusions: I. M $ C
II D + M
(d) Ans. Statements
C + D, D $ M, M ? C
After conversion
C = D, D > M or D < M, M < C  or,
(i) C = D > M < C
(ii) C = D < M < C
I. M $ C ⇒ M > C or M < C
It is clear that M is smaller than C.
II. D + M ⇒ D = M
It is clear that D is either greater or smaller that M.

17. Statements:
K $ M, M × B, K + B
Conclusions: I. M × K
II. K ? M
(e) Ans. Statements
K $ M, M × B, K + B
After conversion
K > M or K < M, M > B, K = B or, M > B = K
I. M × K ⇒ M > K
K is equal to B and M is greater than B. Therefore, M is definitely greater than K.
II. K ? M ⇒ K < M
It is clear than K is smaller than M.

18. ' Statements:
F@ G, G ? P, P × H
conclusions I, F@ H
II. H × G
(d) Ans. Statements
F @ G, G ? P, P × H
After conversion
F ≥ G, G < P, P > H
or, (i) F > G < P > H
(ii) F = G < P > H
I. F @ H ⇒ F ≥ H
II. H × G = H > G
Neither conclusion I nor II is definitely true.

19. Statements:
M @ T, T × R, R $ Q
Conclusions: I.M ? R
II. M ? Q
(d) Ans. Statements
M @ T. T × R, R $ Q
After conversion
M ≥ T,T > R, R > Q or R <Q
or, (i) M = T > R > Q
(ii) M > T > R > Q
(iii) M > T > R < Q
(iv) M = T > R < Q
I. M ? R ⇒ M < R
It is clear than M is greater than R. therefore, conclusion I is not true. s
II. M ? Q ⇒ M < Q
From statement (i) and (ii) M is greater than Q built is not possible to determine any definite relation between M and Q from
statements (iii) and (iv).

20. Statements:
D × G, G @ K, K + M
Conclusions: I, M + G
II. D × K
(b) Ans. Statements
D × G, G @ K, K + M
After conversion
D > G, G ≥ K, K = M
or, (i) D > G > K = M
(ii) D > G = K = M
I. M + G ⇒ M = G
M is either equal to or smaller than G.
II. D × K ⇒ D > K
It is clear that D is greater that K.
Therefore, only conclusion II is definitely true.

Directions (21-25) Each of the questions below consists of a question and two statement numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and
Give answer (a): if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, when the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (b) if the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (c) if the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (d) : if the data even in both statement I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question.
Give answer (e) if the data in both statement I and II together are necessary to answer the question.21. Which village 'B' is to the North-East of village 'A' ?
I. Village 'B' is to the North of A, Villages C and D are to the East and West of village B, respectively.
II. Village 'P' is to the South of village 'A' and village 'E' is to the East of village 'P' , village 'K' is to the North of village 'P'.
(a) Ans. From statement I

It is clear that village C is to the North-East of village A.
From statement

We cannot solve the questions with the help of this diagram.

22. Can Rohan from office 'X' in January 2006, with full Pension benefits?
I. Rohan will complete 30 years of service in office 'X' in April 2006 and desires to retire.
II. As per office 'X' rules an employee has to complete minimum 30 years of service and attain age of 60 . Rohan has 3 years to complete ago of 60.
(e) Ans. From both the statements it is clear that if Rohan retires from offices. 'X' in January 2006 he could not get full pension benefits.

23. Among five friends P,Q,R,S and T, who ranks third in terms of salary obtained by them ?
I . T's salary is more than P and Q but not more then S.
II. R's salary is lowest among them .
Ans. (d) From statement I
S > T > P and Q
From statement II
  >     R  
From both the statements
S > T > P & Q > R
Either P or Q will come at the third place.

24. How is P related to Q ?
I. J has two daughter, one of them 'R' is married to 'P'
II. Q is the mother of 'S', the younger sister of 'R'.
(e) Ans. From statement I
P is the husband of R, who is the daughter of J.
There is no information about the other daughter of J.
From statement II
Q is the mother of S and R.
S is daughter of Q and sister of R.
From both the statements
J is the husband of Q.
Q is the wife of J.
J is the father of R and S.
R and S are daughters of J and Q.
Q is the mother of R and S.
P is the husband of R and hence P is the son-in-low of Q.

25. Which word in the code language means.'flower'?
I. 'de fu la pane' means 'rose flower is beautiful' and 'laquiz' means 'beautiful tree''
II. 'de la chin' means 'red rose flower' and 'pa chin' means 'red tea' .
(d) Ans. From statement I
de fu
pne ⇒ rose flower is
quiz ⇒ beautiful tree
No answer.
From statement II
de  la
rose flower
Both the statement provide different coding pattern.

Directions (26-30): Below is given a passage followed by several possible inferences which can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage' You have to examine each inference separately in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity.
Mark answer (a) if the inference is "definitely true", i.e., it properly follows from the statement of facts given.
Mark answer (b) if the inference is "probably true" though not "definitely true" in the light of the facts given'
Mark answer (c) if the "data are inadequate" i.e. from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is likely to be true or false.
Mark answer (d) if the inference is "probably false" though not "definitely false" in the light of the.facts given".
Mark answer (e) if the inference "definitely false" i.e., it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given or it contradicts the given facts.
In India the asbestos industry is growing and employs more than 15,000 people in 75 units which are spread over several states like Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh' Maharashtra' Andhra Pradesh etc. Surprisingly, advanced countries are banning cancer casing asbestos products, multinational companies are from those countries which are setting up units in developing countries like India' One reason being lack of awareness in the society and indifference of the government machinery of these countries. Prolonged exposure to asbestos dust and fibres can cause lung cancer but most workers in India are too afraid to protest for fear of losing jobs. Some.of these factories are operating in Mumbai. Quite a few of the factories in India are not known to take adequate precautions to protect workers from asbestos dust.
The Government is taking several steps to provide medical inspection workers. In fact it has amended factories act to extend the provision to even those factories employing less than. 10 workers

26. The asbestos industry is one of the largest industries in India.
(e) Ans. It is not judicious to regard asbestos industry as one of the largest industries in India considering the number of employee engaged in this industry and also the number of units of this industry in India.

27. The asbestos industries in India are located in few metropolitan Pockets only.
(e) Ans. It is said that asbestos industries in India are located in several states.

28. The advanced countries are concerned and careful to protect health hazards of its people.
(a) Ans. Advanced countries are banning cancer causing asbestos products. it implies that advanced countries are concerned and
careful to protect health hazards of their people.

29. The demand for asbestos products appears to be growing in lndia.
(a) Ans. It can be safely assumed that industry is growing in India, there certainly exists demand for its product.

30.The Governments of developing countries appear to be not taking appropriate measures while granting
permission to set up production units of multinational companies in their countries.

(a) Ans. Consider the statement, "............ indifference of government machinery ...................."

Directions (31-35) : Given below are pairs of events A and B. You hove to read both the events A and B and decide their nature of relationship' you have to assume that the information given in A and B are true and you will not assume anything beyond the given information in deciding the answer.
Give answer (a): if 'A' is the effect and 'B' is its immediate and principal cause.
Give answer (b): if 'A is the immediate and principal cause and 'B' is its effect.
Give answer (c): if 'A is an effect but 'B' is not its immediate and principal cause
Give answer (d): if 'B' is an effect but 'A' is not its immediate and principal cause.
Give answer (e): None of these

31. Event (A): We can get anything with money
Event (B): Today money is the most important.
Ans. (a)

32. Event (A): Due to mechanisation the life of human beings is becoming more comfortable in urban areas.
Event (B) : Life is becoming insecure in urban areas.
Ans. (b)

33. Event (A): The Government has decided recently to provide additional dreamless allowance to its employees.
Event (B): Censurer Price Index is increasing for the last five months.
Ans. (a)
34, Event (A) : The children of younger generation do better in their study.
Event (B): The parents of children now realise the importance of education very well.
Ans. (c)

35. Event (A) : There is considerable increase in the number of people having computers.
Event (B): Computer education is being made compulsory in schools.
Ans. (a)

Directions (36-40) : Read the following information and answer the questions based on it.
I. The length, breadth and height of a rectangular piece of wood are 4 cm, 3 cm, and 5 cm. respectively.
II Opposite sides of 5 cm. × 4 cm. piece are coloured in red color.
III. Opposite sides of 4 cm. ×3 cm. are coloured in blue.
IV Rest 5 cm. ×3 cm. are coloured in green in both sides.
V. Now the piece is cut in such way that a cubed of 1 cm. × 1cm. ×1cm. will be made.

36. How many cuboids shall have all the three colours?
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14
(e) None of these
(a) Ans. The cubes located at the eight corners would have all the three colours.

37. How many cuboids shall have not any color?
(a) No any
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 6
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. The six inside cubes will have no face coloured.

38. How many cuboids shall have only two colours red and green in their two sides?
(a) 8
(b) 12
(c) 16
(d) 20
(e) None of these
(b) Ans. Twelve cubes will have two colours red and green in their two sides.

39. Anita was doing a survey in different companies,by working on all days of the week. She started with company 'A' and on completing her work she went to company 'B' on the third day. She was required to work there for three days and then went to company 'C' on the fourth day. She worked in company 'C' on the fourth day. There after She worked in company 'D' and completed her work on fourth day after working for three days which was a Saturday' On which day did she start her work in company A?

(a) Thursday

(b) Saturday
(c) Sunday
(d) Monday
(e) None of these
(a) Ans.
6 7,8,9 10

2 Day 3 Day 1Day 3 Day
10th Day → Saturday
3rd Day → Saturday
Now, 2nd Day → Friday
1st Day → Thursday

40. How many pairs of letters are there in the word ATMOSPHERE which have as many letters between them as in the English alphabet?
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

Thus, there are two such pairs of letters.

Directions (41-45): In each question below are given some statements followed by four conclusions numbered I' II' III and IV. You have to lake the given statements to be true even if they seem at variance from commonly known facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts.

41. Statements : Some ice are rings.
No ring is Paint.
Some rings are gold.
(I) No any gold is Paint.
(II) No any ice is gold.
(III) Some rings are Paints.
(IV) All gold's are rings.
(a) Only I and III follow
(b) Only I and II follow
(c) Only III and lV follow
(d) Only II and III follow
(e) None of these
Ans. (e)

The shaded portion represents doubtful proposition. Since two of the premises are Particular, the Universal conclusions can be discarded. Therefore, conclusions I, II and IV are invalid. For conclusion III, the second and the third premises are relevant. We can align the premises by converting the third premise and changing the order of the premises. Thus,
Some gold are rings .

No ring is paint.
We know that
I + E ⇒ O Type conclusion
Therefore, our derived conclusion would be :
"Some gold are paints".
Similarly, we can take the first and the second premises.
Some ice are rings

No ring is paint.
We know that ,
I + E ⇒ O type conclusion
Thus , our derived conclusion would be :
"Some ice are not pains".

42. Statements:
All gates are flowers.
Some gates are fruits.
Some flowers are clips.
(I) Some flowers are fruits.
(II) Some cliPs are fruits.
(III) Some clips are gates.
(V) No any flower is fruit.
(a) Only I follows
(b) Only I and IV follow
(c) Only II and IV follow
(d) Only I and III follow
(e) None of these
42. (a)

For conclusion I the first and the second premises are relevant. We can align these premises by converting the second premise and
changing the order of the premises.
Some fruits are gates

All gates are flowers
We know that,
I + A ⇒ I type conclusion.
Thus, our derived conclusion would be :
"Some fruits are flowers".
Conclusion I is the conversion of our derived conclusion. Since all the premises are Affirmative, no Negative conclusion can be derived
from them. Therefore, conclusion IV is invalid.

43. Statements:
No candle is bell.
Some shoes are bells.
All tables are shoes.
(I) Some tables are bells.
(II) No table is bell.
(III) Some shoe are candles.
(IV) No shoes is candle.
(a) Only I and IV follow
(b) Only I and II follow
(c) Only III and lV follow
(d) Only I and III follow
(e) None of these
(e) Ans. From the first two premises we can derive the conclusion : "Some shoes are not candles".
No candle is bell.

Some bells are shoes
We know that,
E + I ⇒ O, type conclusion.

The shaded protion implies doubtful proposition. Conclusion I and II from complementary pair.Therefore, either conclusion I or II
Similarly, conclusion III and IV from complementary pair. Therefore, either conclusion III or IV follows.

44. Statements :
Some films are clouds. All rats are clouds. Some clouds are chairs.
(I) No film is chair.
(II) Some rats are films.
(III) Some clouds are rats.
(IV) Some chairs are rats.
(a) Only I and III follow
(b) Either II or IV follows
(c) No any conclusion follows
(d) Only IV follows
(e) None of these
(e) Ans. All the three premises are Affirmative and hence the Negative conclusion is invalid. Therefore, conclusion I does not follow.

Conclusion III is the conversion of the second premise.

45. Statements:
Some lice are slates.
All slates are apples.
No apple is car.
(I) Some cars are slates.
(II) Some lice are cars.
(III) Some apples are lice.
(IV) No car is lice.
(a) No any conclusion follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Only III follows
(d) Either II or IV and III follow
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

For conclusion III the first and the second premises are relevant. Both the premises are already aligned.
Some lice are slates.

All states are apples.
We know that
I + A ⇒ I type conversion.
Thus, our derived conclusion would be
"Some lice are apples".
Conclusion III is the conversion of the derived conclusion.
Conclusion II and IV from complementary pair. Hence either conclusion II or IV follows.

Directions (46-50) Read the following information to answer the questions : Symbolize the given number and

Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Symbol: × * ? ÷ $ • + ! D
(i) If any number begins by odd number then the odd number symbolized by @.
(ii) If any number ends by even number then the even number symbolized as ©.

46. Which of the following will be the symbol of 673258?
(a) • + ? * $ !
(b) @ + ? * $ !
(d) • + ? * $ ©
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. The given number ends with an even number and hence the last even number will be symbolized as ©.
6 7 3 2 5 8
+ ? * $ ©

47. Which of the following will be the symbol of 2364752 ?
(a) ? * • ÷ × @
(b) @ + ? * $ !
(c) © ? + $ * !
(d) • + ? * $ ©
(e) None of these
(e) Ans.
2 3 6 4 7 5
* ? ÷  + $

48. Which of the following will be the symbol of 846721?
(a) © ÷ • + * ×
(b) ! ÷ • + * @
(c) ! ÷ • + * ×
(d) © ÷ • + * ×
(e) None of these
(c) Ans.
8 4 6 7 2 1
!   ÷ * ×

49. Which of the following will be the symbol of 178524?
(a) © + ! $ * @
(b) @ × + ! $ ©
(c) © + ! $ * ÷
(d) * + ! $ ÷ ©
(e) None of these
(a) Ans. The number being with odd number and hence 1 will be written as @ and the number ends with even number and hence 4
will be written as©.
1 7 8 5 2 4
@ + ! $ * ©

50. Which of the following will be the symbol of 25486?
(a) * $ ÷ ! D
(b) * $ ÷ ! ©
(c) © $ ÷ ! •
(d) * $ ! ÷ •
(e) None of these
(b) Ans. The given number ends with even number and hence 6 will be written as ©.
2 5 4 8 6
* $ ÷  © 

51 . If 3 is subtracted from the middle digit of the following numbers and then the position of the digits are reversed, which of the following will be the last digit of the middle number after they are arranged in descending order ?
589 362 554 371 442
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 2
(d) 1
(e) 3
(e) Ans. According to question.


955 > 425 >
> 214 > 143
        Middle Number
Last digit
52. In a certain code language GERMINATION is written as IMGRENNOAIT. How is ESTABLISHED written in that code?
(e) None of these
(b) Ans. There are 11 letters each in the given word and its code. It means that there is one code letter for each letter of the given word. After careful observation of the given word and its code it is clear that the code has been generated by rearranging the' letters of the given word.
The middle letter of the given word remains at its position while other letters of both sides of it are rearranged in a certain way.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
The letters in each half have been rearranged in the order:


Therefore, out required answer is option (b).

53. In a certain code language POULTRY is written as PRQXNVTY. How is TREASON written in that code?
(e) None of these
(d). Ans. There is one letter more in the code as compared to the letters of the given words. The pattern of coding is as follows.
O +2
U +2
L +2
T +2
R +2

R +2
E +2
A +2
S +2
O +2

Therefore, our required answer is option (d).

54. If in the English alphabet, all the letters at odd numbered positions are written in serial order from left to right followed by the letters at even numbered positions written in reverse order, which letter will be sixth to the left of seventeenth letter from left?
(a) D
(b) B
(c) V
(d) U
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. According to question the new sequence would be :
11th from left
6th to the left of 17th from left means (17 - 6) = 11th letter
from left i.e., 21st letter from left in the original sequence.

55. If it is possible to make a meaningful word from the second, fourth, fifth, eleventh and thirteenth letters of the word ESTABLISHMENT using each letter only once, write second letter of that word as your answer, if more than one such word can be formed, write M as your answer and if no such word can be formed, write 'X'as your answer.
(a) B
(b) A
(c) E
(d) M
(e) X
(d) Ans.
6 7 8 9 10
Specified letters :SA,B,E,T
Meaningful words: BEAST,

Directions (56-60) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below :An institute XYZ provides scholarship to its employees for higher studies in the United States of America. Following ,are conditions forwarding scholarship to the employees. The candidate must:
(i) not be more than 30 years of age as on April 1,2006.
(ii) have secured more than 70 per cent marks in Post-graduation and 75 per cent marks in Graduation
(iii) have at least two years work experience in the XYZ institute.
(iv) be ready to sign a bond of two years with the company.
(v) have got A or A + rating for his/ her works in the last two years.
However, in case of a candidate who fulfills all other criteria EXCEPT.
(a) (ii) above but has secured minimum 60 per cent marks in Graduation and Post-Graduation and he/she has got
Ph.D. may be referred to the Director.

(b) (v) above but has work experience of three years with ratings B +, A or A + may be referred to the Chairman.
(c) (iv) above but he/she has to leave the institute and he is ready to pay Rs. 50,000, may be refined to the President. Based on these criteria and information provided below, decide the course of action in each case. You are not to assume anything.The cases are given to you as on April 1,2006. If the data provided are not adequate to decide the given course of action, your answer will be "data inadequate".
Candidate                 CRITERIA
          or (iii) or                  or
(i) (ii) (a) (iv)           (c) (v)    (b)
Deepali - - -
Ajit - NG - -
Rajendra - - -
Harish N G - -
Tarique - - -

56. Deepali Mirza is working in XYZ institute for the lasttwo and half years. Her performance is good and has secured ratings A +. She has secured 70 per cent and 75 per cent marks in Graduation and Post-Graduation respectively. She is Post Graduate from Mathematics. She is ready to sign the bond of two years. Her date of birth is
3l. 03.1977' She has also done Ph.D.

(a) Data inadequate
(b) Refer to the Director
(c) Refer to the President
(d) Refer to the Chairman
(e) Not to be selected
(b)Ans. Deepali Mirza satisfies all the criteria except (ii) but she does satisfy, (a) instead. Therefore, her case may be referred to the

57. Ajit D' souza is a Post-Graduate in Physics with 75 per cent marks and passed Graduation with 77 per cent marks' He is working in the institute since 2002 and has always got A ratings on performance. He was 25 years old at the time of joining the institute. He is keen to seek job in the United States of America.
(a) Refer to the Chairman
(b) Refer to the President
(c) Data inadequate
(d) Not to be selected
(e) To be selected.
(c) Ans. In case of Ajit D'souza no information is given regarding the criterion (iv).

58. Rajendra Bhave is a post-graduate in Psychology' He had secured 72% marks at post-graduation and 78% marks at graduation. He is working in XYZ institute for more than two years and his performance ratings are A + and A respectively in the last two years. He is not keen to sign the bond but does not mind paying Rs. 50,000/- if required to leave' His date of birth is 14.8.1976.
(a) To be selected
(b) Refer to the Chairman
(c) Refer to the Director
(d) Refer to the President
(e) Not to be selected
(d)Ans. Rajendra Bhave satisfies all the criteria except (iv) but he does satisfy (c) instead. Therefore, his case may be referred to the

59. Harish Chheda has a bright academic career throughout He has done post-graduation with 65% marks and has submitted Ph.D. thesis. His date of birth is 27 .9.1979. He is working for last three years in the XYZ institute and has always got A ratings on performance. He is ready to pay Rs' 50,000/- in case if required to leave.
(a) To be selected
(b) Refer to the President
(c) Refer to the Director
(d) Data inadequate
(e) Not to be selected
(d) Ans. In case of Harish Chheda complete information (Marks in Graduation) is not given regarding the criterion (ii) or (a).

60. 28 years old Tarique Anwar is a post-graduate in Chemistry and has registered for Ph. D. He scored 80o/o and 78% marks at graduation and post-graduation respectively. He is working in the XYZ institute since 2001. His performance ratings in the last three years are B+, A+ and A respectively. He is ready to sign two years' bond with the institute.
(a) To be selected
(b) Refer to the President
(c) Refer to the Chairman
(d) Refer to the Director
(e) Not to be selected
(a) Ans. (a) Tarique Anwar satisfies all the criteria.

Directions (61-65): In each of the .questions given below which one of the five answer figures should come after the problem figures if the sequence were continued ?

61. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(d) Ans. The movement and changes of designs in the subsequent figures can be shown as :
From Problem Figure (1) to (2)

From problem Figure (2) to (3)

These two steps are repeated alternately and a new design appears in the centre in each subsequent figure.

62. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(a) Ans. In the subsequent figures respectively one, one and half and half part (s) of triangle get (s) shaded in a set pattern.

63. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(d) Ans. From Problem Figure (1) to (2) the lower design ascends vertically and it is replaced by a new design, the left design moves anticlockwise and the right design moves to the left. Similar changes would occur from Problem Figure (5) to Answer Figure.

64. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(d) Ans. From Problem Figure (1) to (2) the line segments at the left end rotate through 45o anticlockwise while that of upper line segments at the right end rotates through 45o anticlockwise. Similar changes occur from Problem Figure (3) to (a) and from Problem Figure (5) to Answer Figure.
65. Problem Figures

Answer Figures

(c) Ans. From Problem Figure (1) to (2) all the designs move half a step in clockwise direction and the first and the last designs interchange position while a new designs is introduced in front of the pre-existing designs. From Problem Figure (2) to (3) all the designs move one step in clockwise direction and again the first and the last designs interchange position so as the two middle designs and a new design is introduced in front of the pre-existing designs. From Problem Figure (3) to (4) all the designs move 1(1/2)
steps in clockwise direction and the first two designs interchange position with the last two designs and a new design is introduced in front of the pre-existing designs. From Problem Figures (a) to (5) all the designs move two steps in clockwise direction and the first and the last designs have interchanged position so as the second and the second last designs and litre two middle design have interchange position while a new design is introduced in front of the pre-existing designs. Therefore, from problem Figure (5) to Answer Figure all the designs would move two and one-half steps in clockwise direction and also rearrangement of designs would take place and a new design
will be introduced in front of the pre-existing designs.

Directions(66-70) In each of the following questions a related pair of figures is followed by five numbered pairs of figures Select the pair of figure which shows similar relationship as that given in the original pair. you are required to select the best answer from among fairly close alternatives.


Ans. (c) Following changes occur from first figure to second figure.


(d) Ans. Second figure is the mirror image of the first figure.


(b) Ans. From first figure to second figure black leaflet rotates through 45° anticlockwise and the white leaflet rotates through 90°clockwise :


(d) Ans. From first figure to second figure the line segment with triangle rotates 90° clockwise while the line segment with circle rotates 135° anticlockwise.


(c) Ans. From first figure to second figure the diagonally opposite designs inter-change position.

Directions(71-75) In each of the following questions in four out of the.five figures, element I is related to element II in the same particular way. Find out the figure in which the element I is not so related to element II.

71. .

(d) Ans. The main design rotates 90' anticlockwise. The inner and outer line segments move two steps anticlockwise

72. .

(b) Ans. Except in figure (2), in all other pairs of figLries the shaded portion ascends or descends.


(c) Ans. Except in figure pair (3) in all other pairs of figure from element I to II the number of arrows is dee creased by one While the number of equal signs is increased by one. Again the extreme left arrow rotates 135° clockwise but in figure (3) if has been rotated through 180° clockwise".

74. .

(c) Ans. The smaller designs rotates 90° anticlockwise and the smaller designs become larger while the larger designs become smaller from element I to II Again the right design is inverted.


(e) Ans. In all other pairs of figures there is one unshaded triangle to the left of shaded triangle.


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