Sunday 5 June, 2011

Directions (176-178) : In each of the following sentences there are blank spaces. Below each sentience there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully complete.

176. Public announcements of ............. by the Government is considered as_............ of code of conduct during the pre - election period.
(a) freebies... appeasement
(b) favors... violation
(c) policies .... honors
(d) provisions .... imposition
(e) manifests..... breaches
Ans. (b)

177. Germany had been a nation in one country of numerous states which had a common language an ........
(a) assembled .... dialect
(b) assimilated... script
(c) embedded... civilization
(d) united... traditions
(e) formed.... code

178. Though the country has ............. free medical service for the poor, it is............
(a) stopped.. unaffordable
(b) rendered... essential
(c) maintained .... admirable
(d) favored... appreciable
(e) instituted... inadequate

179. If criminals are ............. to join electoral fray,............. is likely to increase.
(a) compelled .... brotherhood
(b) encouraged .... harmony
(c) allowed .... extortion
(d) detected .... corruption
(e) invited.... voting
Ans. (c)

180. The recently Olympic Games experienced some unhealthy practices............. to by few athletes.
(a) concluded.... resorted
(b) finished.... preferred
(c) held.... exhibited
(d) over.... adhered
(e) closed.... devoured

Directions (181-195) Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replaced the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark

(e) as the answer

181.The military has highly sophisticated simulators on which soldiers train.
(a) which soldiers training on
(b) on which soldiers have trains
(c) which the soldiers do train
(d) on which the soldiers have been train
(e) no correction required

182. Any policy of social warfare will be likely to face resistance from vested interests.
(a) would be like facing
(b) will be likely facing
(c) is likely to face
(d) is likely to be facing with
(e) no correction required
Ans. (c)

183. The key to a competitive economy is its investment regime .
(a) in its invested regime
(b) in its investment regime
(c) investment of its regime
(d) investment in its regime
(e) no correction required

184. The honorable court had taken a lenient view because the accused have not previous conviction.
(a) had no previous conviction
(b) had not previously convicted
(c) had not been previous convictions
(d) had no previously convicted
(e) no correction required
Ans.(a) Ans. The word 'conviction' is a Noun and, it is preceded by 'no'. Hence, ' had no previous conviction' is the suitable replacement. Altogether, the statement is in Indirect speech. Here the Principal clause is in Past tense, hence, the Reported Speech must also be in Past Tense.

185. Our foreign exchange reserves have increased substantial .
(a) have been increased substantially
(b) have increased substantially
(c) have substantially increasing
(d) have been substantial in increase
(e) no correction required
(b) Ans. Adverbial from of the word 'substantial' should be used, an Adjective is a word which modifies the meaning of verb, an Adjective or another Adverb. Hence, 'have increased' substantially.

186. In the early centuries of the second millennium 8.C., people speaking strange dialects akin to that of India, moved in northern lraq and Syria.
(a) akin to those
(b) akin to that in
(c) akin to those in to
(d) keen to those of
(e) no correction required
(b) Ans. The use of preposition 'in' instead of 'of is appropriate to make sentence correct.

187. It is becoming equally clear that reforestation will have little chance e until people realise its importance.
(a) has become equal and clear
(b) has become equally clear
(c) has become clearly equal
(d) is becoming clearly equal
(e) no correction required
Ans. (b)

188. Once the event is over, many people claim credit for success and disowning the responsibility for failure.
(a) of success and disowning
(b) for success but disowning
(c) for success but disown
(d) for success while disowned
(e) no correction required
Ans.(c) The sentence is adversative which expresses contrast between two statements. Hence, for success but disown is the correct replacement.

189. When sharks approach divers, they usually did so warily.
(a) as usual did so warily
(b) usually did so wary
(c) usually are doing so wary
(d) usually do so warily
(e) no correction required
Ans.(d) The sentence shows a habitual action. Hence, Simple Present Tense will be used. Also the Sub-ordinate clause is in Present Tense, the principal clause should be in Present Tense too.

190. We observed that the rug dealers were primary dedicated to the art of selling rugs.
(a) were primarily dedicated
(b) had primary been dedicated
(c) had been dedicated primary
(d) were being primary dedication
(e) no correction required
Ans. Here, the word 'Primary' has been wrongly used. Its adverbial from will be appropriate.

191. The real wonder is that the Egyptians while constructing pyramid possessed only the simplest hand tools.
(a) were possessed only by simple
(b) had possession of only simpler
(c) possess only the simplest
(d) were possessing the only simplest
(e) no correction required
Ans. (e)

192. The government should have launch such projects which would reverse the destructive cycle of flood and drought.
(a) must be launching
(b) should launch
(c) should have been launched
(d) must have been launched
(e) no correction required
Ans. (b)

193. To practice any art properly require extraordinarily patience - especially at the beginning.
(a) required extraordinarily patient
(b) requires extra ordinary patience
(c) requiring extraordinary patience
(d) requiring extraordinarily patient
(e) no correction required
Ans. (b) The word 'patience' is Noun. An Adjective is used with a Noun to add something for its meaning. Hence, 'requires extraordinary patience' is the correct usage.

194. A committee comprising imminent experts from various fields was set up.
(a) comprising of imminent
(b) comprising into eminent
(c) consisting of imminent
(d) comprising eminent
(e) no correction required
Ans(d). The word 'imminent' means likely to happen very soon. It does not make any sense in the sentence. Hence, 'comprising eminent' is the correct replacement.

195. The dinner party hoisted by the President of the club was cancelled due to some unforeseen problem.
(a) hosted with
(b) hoisted with
(c) hoisted for
(d) hosted by
(e) no correction required
Ans(d). The word 'host' means raise something to a higher position. Clearly, a dinner party is never hoisted, but hosted.

Directions (1 96-210): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Over the last three centuries, the world economy has evolved from a predominantly agriculture-based system to a digital economic system. The earlier economies were mainly agrarian. In this era, capital did play a role, as did technological innovations such as the plough, the steamboat or the train. But land and labour were more critical.
With the industrial revolution, the global economy was primarily driven by the ability to produce goods for the mass market. This led to the industrial economy where capital and labour were the most important drivers. In the service economy, the wealth created by services exceeded the wealth created through manufacturing. Here, the ability of the service provider to establish a sound business gave him access to additional capital. This evolved into a global economy where goods and services were traded across international borders, with little restriction. ln this period, capital started flowing across border on all large scale for the first time.
The last five years have seen the advent of the digital economy where technology is becoming the driving force. With information being the driver of value and wealth creation, information logy is becoming the key to success in a growing number of industries. In the digital economy, the power of innovation and ideas gained the upper hand over direct access to capital. The Indian economy is in a unique in terms of its economic evaluation. While manufacturing and service industries in India cannot freely access capital, the new breed of IT:- based industries have access to venture capital and private equity. The country's potential in this emerging sector has opened the doors to capital inflows that are still not available to traditional industries. There are two key trends which will boost the democratization of capital, either directly as funding sources or indirectly. More effective capital market routes---especially for information - based and software companies.
This is already happening rapidly. A market that was supposed to be stagnating with no public offering from the manufacturing sector in the first quarter of the fiscal year may see as many see as many as 20-25 new software issues this year. Numerous internet and e-commerce companies are tapping funds through the capital market. For the financial intermediaries as well as for the investing public, dot com or 'info' initial offerings are fast becoming attractive to investment alternatives to traditional manufacturing or financial sector offers.
With more effective capital markets, for high potential IT stocks, 'critical mass', which in the industrial economy' was primary in ensuring a company's ability to raise capital, will cases to matter. This underlines the manner in which a burgeoning digital economy has led to a redeployment of capital from a concentrated segment to the smaller knowledge entrepreneur.
A greater number of venture capitalists actively seeking to fund budding knowledge entrepreneurs. Along with the rise in Net entrepreneurs one has seen the emergence of a new breed of venture capitalists who recognize the potential that resides in these ideas. The emergence and strengthening of the virtual economy necessitates sources of funds at the' ideation' stage where business plans may still be at the in fancy stage and potential not clearly identified.
This need is being fulfilled by the incubator funds or the angle investors who hand-hold internet startups and other info tech ventures till the stage at which they can attract bigger investors. Instead of looking at high risk but big ventures, this genre of venture capitalists are looking at investments in companies which have the potential of excellent valuations in the future on the strength of their ideas.

196. Which of the following has been rated as most crucial in agro- based economy ?
(A) Capital, steamboat and trains.
(B) Technological innovations like plough, etc.
(C) Labour and land.
(a) Only A and B
(b) Only C
(c) Only B
(d) Only A (e) None of these

197. How did service economy evolve into a global economy ?
(a) The wealth gained through services exceeded the gain through manufacture.
(b) The services started flowing across borders
(c) The labour started producing goods for mass market.
(d) The trade for services and goods crossed the International borders
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

198. Which of the following best describes the phrase 'critical mass' used in the passage ?
(a) Paradigm shift fund base to knowledge base.
(b) The net worth of small knowledge entrepreneur.
(c) The ability of an organization to raise funds.
(d) The sum total capital of industrial economy.
(e) None of these

199. The public of which type of companies are preferred by the investors at present ?
(a). Service sector companies.
(b) Agro based companies.
(c) Information based companies.
(d) Companies dealing with financial sector.
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

200 What impact on economy has been envisaged owing to rise in net enterprise ?
(a) The venture capitalists have started financing the projects even at the planning stage.
(b) The economic planning will no more be realistic now.
(c) The funding of unplanned projects have increased.
(d) Virtual economy has necessitated the source of funds from abroad.
(e) None of these

201. Which trend boost capital growth in the modem era ?
(a) Conversion of land and labour to private equity.
(b) Converting manufacturing industries into service sector.
(c) Generating resources through/international trade.
(d) Promoting information based and software companies.
(e) N one of these

202. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage ?
(a) The real estate and labour force was the strength of agrarian economy.
(b) Service economy surpassed the industrial economy.
(c) The information technology is the key to success in the present context.
(d) The venture capitalists are only financing those sectors which lay emphasis on production of goods on mass scale.
(e) Information based and software companies are effective in boosting capital market.

203. What is meant by angel investors?
(a) The investors who fund the project till such time it starts attracting large investment.
(b) Those people who are committed to develop virtual economy.
(c) The investors who invest on behalf of someone else.
(d) Those who invest in only companies who have an' excellent evaluation.
(e) None of these

204. Which of the following is a power behind digital economy ?
.(a) The capital generated through innovation and ideas.
(b) The venture capital generated through sale of land.
(c) The force of labour and capital in manufacturing industries.
(d) The ability of service provider to set up a sound business.
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

205. Where was the shift in emphasis in industrial economy ?
(a) The labour force became redundant.
(b) The technological innovations were overrated.
(c) The capital got an edge over land.
(d) Class markets turned to mass markets.
(e) None of these

Directions (206-208) : Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
206. Access
(a) reach
(b) loan
(c) help
(d) advantage
(e) utility

207. Advent
(a) shining
(b) departure
(c) power
(d) force
(e) arrival
Ans. (e) The word 'advent' has been used in the sense of word 'arrival'.

208. Traditional
(a) religious
(b) excessive
(c) old
(d) customary
(e) sick

Directions (209-210) : Choose the word which is ,most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

209. Burgeoning
(a) growing
(b) retarding
(c) dipping
(d) unique
(e) common
Ans.(b) The word 'burgeoning' means growing or developing rapidly. Its antonym is retarding.

210. Stagnating
(a) developing
(b) redundant
(c) over working
(d) fixed
(e) stationery

Directions (211-215) Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) The group of Egyptians provided answers to all his questions as they were impressed by the visitor's keen observation and intellectual curiosity.
(B) From time to time he glanced at the map in his guide book to make sure that he was following them accurately.
(C) All these efforts were directed towards his goal to write a book on the various places he saw and the people he met.
(D) On one bright day, a famous traveller and writer from the west was listening to a group of Egyptians who described to him the wonders of their country.
(E) Back in his room he industriously set down his facts and his impressions in an elaborate file of notes.
(F) Repeatedly he interrupted with pertinent questions about Egyptian antiquities or local customs or the latest crisis in the Middle East.

211. Which of the following would be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) F
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

212. Which of the following would the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

213. Which of the following would be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

214. Which of the following would be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) F
(d) D
(e) E

215. Which of the following would be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
Ans. (b)

Directions (216-225) : In the .following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately Find out the appropriate words without changing the meaning of the passage. Lately, the media seems to have gone berserk in (216) every thing that pertains to the New Economy Behind the great bulk of the articles on the subject are two (217) assumption. First, that the New Economy businesses are likely to push Old Economy industries all the way into oblivion, Second, that (218) about the New Economy is far superior to that of the Old Economy. Both those emphatic assumptions could be (219) flawed. Physical products-the cornerstone of the Old Economy-are hardly likely to (220) out in importance even in the age of the Internet. After all, the consumption of physical goods is hardly going down. In everything-from steel automobiles (221) is only going up. But above and beyond all this, the New Economy also needs Old Economy products to survive. You can sell goods on the Internet, after all, only if (222) is producing those goods. Besides which, people stillwant all those Old Economy goods.As far as the second point is concerned, the one big weakness about the new Economy is that it is (223) more volatile than the Old Economy. The rate of evolution of products- the crux of the Old Economy - will (224) always be slower than the rate of the growth and proliferation on new ideas on any given subject.And hence, the Old Economy (based on products) will always be relatively more (225) than the New Economy (based largely on ideas.).

216. (a) listening
(b) advocate
(c) ignoring
(d) adopting
(e) viewing

217. (a) bold
(b) emphasizing
(c) underlying
(d) over-riding
(e) overlapping

218. (a) glitter
(b) everything
(c) each thing
(d) proceed
(e) highlight

219. (a) thinking
(b) deliberately
(c) casually
(d) carelessly
(e) seriously

220. (a) lose
(b) charm
(c) iron
(d) stand
(e) bear

221. (a) trend
(b) movement
(c) consumption
(d) cost
(e) production

222. (a) mass
(b) someone
(c) none
(d) person
(e) marketing
Ans. (a)

223. (a) obviously
(b) reportedly
(c) naturally
(d) intrinsically
(e) abysmally

224. (a) subjectively
(b) deliberately
(c) have
(d) accordingly
(e) necessarily

225. (a) stable
(b) dogmatic
(c) fragile
(d) volatile
(e) specific

Directions (176-178) : In each of the following sentences there are blank spaces. Below each sentience there are five pairs of words denoted by numbers (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence grammatically correct and meaningfully complete.

176. Public announcements of ............. by the Government is considered as_............ of code of conduct during the pre - election period.
(a) freebies... appeasement
(b) favors... violation
(c) policies .... honors
(d) provisions .... imposition
(e) manifests..... breaches
Ans. (b)

177. Germany had been a nation in one country of numerous states which had a common language an ........
(a) assembled .... dialect
(b) assimilated... script
(c) embedded... civilization
(d) united... traditions
(e) formed.... code

178. Though the country has ............. free medical service for the poor, it is............
(a) stopped.. unaffordable
(b) rendered... essential
(c) maintained .... admirable
(d) favored... appreciable
(e) instituted... inadequate

179. If criminals are ............. to join electoral fray,............. is likely to increase.
(a) compelled .... brotherhood
(b) encouraged .... harmony
(c) allowed .... extortion
(d) detected .... corruption
(e) invited.... voting
Ans. (c)

180. The recently Olympic Games experienced some unhealthy practices............. to by few athletes.
(a) concluded.... resorted
(b) finished.... preferred
(c) held.... exhibited
(d) over.... adhered
(e) closed.... devoured

Directions (181-195) Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replaced the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark

(e) as the answer

181.The military has highly sophisticated simulators on which soldiers train.
(a) which soldiers training on
(b) on which soldiers have trains
(c) which the soldiers do train
(d) on which the soldiers have been train
(e) no correction required

182. Any policy of social warfare will be likely to face resistance from vested interests.
(a) would be like facing
(b) will be likely facing
(c) is likely to face
(d) is likely to be facing with
(e) no correction required
Ans. (c)

183. The key to a competitive economy is its investment regime .
(a) in its invested regime
(b) in its investment regime
(c) investment of its regime
(d) investment in its regime
(e) no correction required

184. The honorable court had taken a lenient view because the accused have not previous conviction.
(a) had no previous conviction
(b) had not previously convicted
(c) had not been previous convictions
(d) had no previously convicted
(e) no correction required
Ans.(a) Ans. The word 'conviction' is a Noun and, it is preceded by 'no'. Hence, ' had no previous conviction' is the suitable replacement. Altogether, the statement is in Indirect speech. Here the Principal clause is in Past tense, hence, the Reported Speech must also be in Past Tense.

185. Our foreign exchange reserves have increased substantial .
(a) have been increased substantially
(b) have increased substantially
(c) have substantially increasing
(d) have been substantial in increase
(e) no correction required
(b) Ans. Adverbial from of the word 'substantial' should be used, an Adjective is a word which modifies the meaning of verb, an Adjective or another Adverb. Hence, 'have increased' substantially.

186. In the early centuries of the second millennium 8.C., people speaking strange dialects akin to that of India, moved in northern lraq and Syria.
(a) akin to those
(b) akin to that in
(c) akin to those in to
(d) keen to those of
(e) no correction required
(b) Ans. The use of preposition 'in' instead of 'of is appropriate to make sentence correct.

187. It is becoming equally clear that reforestation will have little chance e until people realise its importance.
(a) has become equal and clear
(b) has become equally clear
(c) has become clearly equal
(d) is becoming clearly equal
(e) no correction required
Ans. (b)

188. Once the event is over, many people claim credit for success and disowning the responsibility for failure.
(a) of success and disowning
(b) for success but disowning
(c) for success but disown
(d) for success while disowned
(e) no correction required
Ans.(c) The sentence is adversative which expresses contrast between two statements. Hence, for success but disown is the correct replacement.

189. When sharks approach divers, they usually did so warily.
(a) as usual did so warily
(b) usually did so wary
(c) usually are doing so wary
(d) usually do so warily
(e) no correction required
Ans.(d) The sentence shows a habitual action. Hence, Simple Present Tense will be used. Also the Sub-ordinate clause is in Present Tense, the principal clause should be in Present Tense too.

190. We observed that the rug dealers were primary dedicated to the art of selling rugs.
(a) were primarily dedicated
(b) had primary been dedicated
(c) had been dedicated primary
(d) were being primary dedication
(e) no correction required
Ans. Here, the word 'Primary' has been wrongly used. Its adverbial from will be appropriate.

191. The real wonder is that the Egyptians while constructing pyramid possessed only the simplest hand tools.
(a) were possessed only by simple
(b) had possession of only simpler
(c) possess only the simplest
(d) were possessing the only simplest
(e) no correction required
Ans. (e)

192. The government should have launch such projects which would reverse the destructive cycle of flood and drought.
(a) must be launching
(b) should launch
(c) should have been launched
(d) must have been launched
(e) no correction required
Ans. (b)

193. To practice any art properly require extraordinarily patience - especially at the beginning.
(a) required extraordinarily patient
(b) requires extra ordinary patience
(c) requiring extraordinary patience
(d) requiring extraordinarily patient
(e) no correction required
Ans. (b) The word 'patience' is Noun. An Adjective is used with a Noun to add something for its meaning. Hence, 'requires extraordinary patience' is the correct usage.

194. A committee comprising imminent experts from various fields was set up.
(a) comprising of imminent
(b) comprising into eminent
(c) consisting of imminent
(d) comprising eminent
(e) no correction required
Ans(d). The word 'imminent' means likely to happen very soon. It does not make any sense in the sentence. Hence, 'comprising eminent' is the correct replacement.

195. The dinner party hoisted by the President of the club was cancelled due to some unforeseen problem.
(a) hosted with
(b) hoisted with
(c) hoisted for
(d) hosted by
(e) no correction required
Ans(d). The word 'host' means raise something to a higher position. Clearly, a dinner party is never hoisted, but hosted.

Directions (1 96-210): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases have been printed in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
Over the last three centuries, the world economy has evolved from a predominantly agriculture-based system to a digital economic system. The earlier economies were mainly agrarian. In this era, capital did play a role, as did technological innovations such as the plough, the steamboat or the train. But land and labour were more critical.
With the industrial revolution, the global economy was primarily driven by the ability to produce goods for the mass market. This led to the industrial economy where capital and labour were the most important drivers. In the service economy, the wealth created by services exceeded the wealth created through manufacturing. Here, the ability of the service provider to establish a sound business gave him access to additional capital. This evolved into a global economy where goods and services were traded across international borders, with little restriction. ln this period, capital started flowing across border on all large scale for the first time.
The last five years have seen the advent of the digital economy where technology is becoming the driving force. With information being the driver of value and wealth creation, information logy is becoming the key to success in a growing number of industries. In the digital economy, the power of innovation and ideas gained the upper hand over direct access to capital. The Indian economy is in a unique in terms of its economic evaluation. While manufacturing and service industries in India cannot freely access capital, the new breed of IT:- based industries have access to venture capital and private equity. The country's potential in this emerging sector has opened the doors to capital inflows that are still not available to traditional industries. There are two key trends which will boost the democratization of capital, either directly as funding sources or indirectly. More effective capital market routes---especially for information - based and software companies.
This is already happening rapidly. A market that was supposed to be stagnating with no public offering from the manufacturing sector in the first quarter of the fiscal year may see as many see as many as 20-25 new software issues this year. Numerous internet and e-commerce companies are tapping funds through the capital market. For the financial intermediaries as well as for the investing public, dot com or 'info' initial offerings are fast becoming attractive to investment alternatives to traditional manufacturing or financial sector offers.
With more effective capital markets, for high potential IT stocks, 'critical mass', which in the industrial economy' was primary in ensuring a company's ability to raise capital, will cases to matter. This underlines the manner in which a burgeoning digital economy has led to a redeployment of capital from a concentrated segment to the smaller knowledge entrepreneur.
A greater number of venture capitalists actively seeking to fund budding knowledge entrepreneurs. Along with the rise in Net entrepreneurs one has seen the emergence of a new breed of venture capitalists who recognize the potential that resides in these ideas. The emergence and strengthening of the virtual economy necessitates sources of funds at the' ideation' stage where business plans may still be at the in fancy stage and potential not clearly identified.
This need is being fulfilled by the incubator funds or the angle investors who hand-hold internet startups and other info tech ventures till the stage at which they can attract bigger investors. Instead of looking at high risk but big ventures, this genre of venture capitalists are looking at investments in companies which have the potential of excellent valuations in the future on the strength of their ideas.

196. Which of the following has been rated as most crucial in agro- based economy ?
(A) Capital, steamboat and trains.
(B) Technological innovations like plough, etc.
(C) Labour and land.
(a) Only A and B
(b) Only C
(c) Only B
(d) Only A (e) None of these

197. How did service economy evolve into a global economy ?
(a) The wealth gained through services exceeded the gain through manufacture.
(b) The services started flowing across borders
(c) The labour started producing goods for mass market.
(d) The trade for services and goods crossed the International borders
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

198. Which of the following best describes the phrase 'critical mass' used in the passage ?
(a) Paradigm shift fund base to knowledge base.
(b) The net worth of small knowledge entrepreneur.
(c) The ability of an organization to raise funds.
(d) The sum total capital of industrial economy.
(e) None of these

199. The public of which type of companies are preferred by the investors at present ?
(a). Service sector companies.
(b) Agro based companies.
(c) Information based companies.
(d) Companies dealing with financial sector.
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

200 What impact on economy has been envisaged owing to rise in net enterprise ?
(a) The venture capitalists have started financing the projects even at the planning stage.
(b) The economic planning will no more be realistic now.
(c) The funding of unplanned projects have increased.
(d) Virtual economy has necessitated the source of funds from abroad.
(e) None of these

201. Which trend boost capital growth in the modem era ?
(a) Conversion of land and labour to private equity.
(b) Converting manufacturing industries into service sector.
(c) Generating resources through/international trade.
(d) Promoting information based and software companies.
(e) N one of these

202. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE in the context of the passage ?
(a) The real estate and labour force was the strength of agrarian economy.
(b) Service economy surpassed the industrial economy.
(c) The information technology is the key to success in the present context.
(d) The venture capitalists are only financing those sectors which lay emphasis on production of goods on mass scale.
(e) Information based and software companies are effective in boosting capital market.

203. What is meant by angel investors?
(a) The investors who fund the project till such time it starts attracting large investment.
(b) Those people who are committed to develop virtual economy.
(c) The investors who invest on behalf of someone else.
(d) Those who invest in only companies who have an' excellent evaluation.
(e) None of these

204. Which of the following is a power behind digital economy ?
.(a) The capital generated through innovation and ideas.
(b) The venture capital generated through sale of land.
(c) The force of labour and capital in manufacturing industries.
(d) The ability of service provider to set up a sound business.
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

205. Where was the shift in emphasis in industrial economy ?
(a) The labour force became redundant.
(b) The technological innovations were overrated.
(c) The capital got an edge over land.
(d) Class markets turned to mass markets.
(e) None of these

Directions (206-208) : Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.
206. Access
(a) reach
(b) loan
(c) help
(d) advantage
(e) utility

207. Advent
(a) shining
(b) departure
(c) power
(d) force
(e) arrival
Ans. (e) The word 'advent' has been used in the sense of word 'arrival'.

208. Traditional
(a) religious
(b) excessive
(c) old
(d) customary
(e) sick

Directions (209-210) : Choose the word which is ,most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

209. Burgeoning
(a) growing
(b) retarding
(c) dipping
(d) unique
(e) common
Ans.(b) The word 'burgeoning' means growing or developing rapidly. Its antonym is retarding.

210. Stagnating
(a) developing
(b) redundant
(c) over working
(d) fixed
(e) stationery

Directions (211-215) Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) The group of Egyptians provided answers to all his questions as they were impressed by the visitor's keen observation and intellectual curiosity.
(B) From time to time he glanced at the map in his guide book to make sure that he was following them accurately.
(C) All these efforts were directed towards his goal to write a book on the various places he saw and the people he met.
(D) On one bright day, a famous traveller and writer from the west was listening to a group of Egyptians who described to him the wonders of their country.
(E) Back in his room he industriously set down his facts and his impressions in an elaborate file of notes.
(F) Repeatedly he interrupted with pertinent questions about Egyptian antiquities or local customs or the latest crisis in the Middle East.

211. Which of the following would be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) F
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

212. Which of the following would the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

213. Which of the following would be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

214. Which of the following would be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) F
(d) D
(e) E

215. Which of the following would be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E
Ans. (b)

Directions (216-225) : In the .following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately Find out the appropriate words without changing the meaning of the passage. Lately, the media seems to have gone berserk in (216) every thing that pertains to the New Economy Behind the great bulk of the articles on the subject are two (217) assumption. First, that the New Economy businesses are likely to push Old Economy industries all the way into oblivion, Second, that (218) about the New Economy is far superior to that of the Old Economy. Both those emphatic assumptions could be (219) flawed. Physical products-the cornerstone of the Old Economy-are hardly likely to (220) out in importance even in the age of the Internet. After all, the consumption of physical goods is hardly going down. In everything-from steel automobiles (221) is only going up. But above and beyond all this, the New Economy also needs Old Economy products to survive. You can sell goods on the Internet, after all, only if (222) is producing those goods. Besides which, people stillwant all those Old Economy goods.As far as the second point is concerned, the one big weakness about the new Economy is that it is (223) more volatile than the Old Economy. The rate of evolution of products- the crux of the Old Economy - will (224) always be slower than the rate of the growth and proliferation on new ideas on any given subject.And hence, the Old Economy (based on products) will always be relatively more (225) than the New Economy (based largely on ideas.).

216. (a) listening
(b) advocate
(c) ignoring
(d) adopting
(e) viewing

217. (a) bold
(b) emphasizing
(c) underlying
(d) over-riding
(e) overlapping

218. (a) glitter
(b) everything
(c) each thing
(d) proceed
(e) highlight

219. (a) thinking
(b) deliberately
(c) casually
(d) carelessly
(e) seriously

220. (a) lose
(b) charm
(c) iron
(d) stand
(e) bear

221. (a) trend
(b) movement
(c) consumption
(d) cost
(e) production

222. (a) mass
(b) someone
(c) none
(d) person
(e) marketing
Ans. (a)

223. (a) obviously
(b) reportedly
(c) naturally
(d) intrinsically
(e) abysmally

224. (a) subjectively
(b) deliberately
(c) have
(d) accordingly
(e) necessarily

225. (a) stable
(b) dogmatic
(c) fragile
(d) volatile
(e) specific


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