Sunday 5 June, 2011


126. The Planning Commission has set up a National Mission on Bamboo Technology and Trade Development as it is considered important in poverty alleviation and employment generation. Which of the following parts of India can not take much benefit from the programmer as it is not rich in bamboo plantation?
(a) North Eastern States
(b) Western Ghats
(c) Chattisgarh
(d) Gujarat
(e) Andaman & Nicobar

127. The Economic Survery 2003-04 presented in the parliament has identified five major problem areas the Indian economy has to tackle. Which of the following is not one of them?
(a) Sustain growth rate at 7-8 per cent in next 5 years.
(b) Contain inflation to the level of 11.5 per cent
(c) Control the revenue deficit and fiscal deficit effectively
(d) Achieve 10 per cent industrial growth
(e) Boost agricultural growth by diversification of crops.
Ans. (b)

128. Which of the following is not a part of the debt relief package for the farmers announced by the Finance Minister in June 2004 ?
(A) The farm credit will be raised by 30 per cent in fiscal year 2004-05.
(B) Banks are allowed to lend farmers to repay their loans taken from non-institutional source.
(C) Farmers are allowed to use their Kisan Credit Cards even for personal and non-agricultural purpouses upto a credit limit.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & B
(e) Only A & C
Ans. (b)

129. What is web casting ?
(a) Casting a movie/TV star in a role on the www
(b) Transmitting the video and audio on the internet
(c) Playing of music on the internet
(d) Searching on the web
(e) None of these
(b) Ans. Web-casting means to transmitting the audio and video on the net. It allows both audio & video and user can see it on wide network.

130. Labour reforms are one important aspect needed to restructure and boost up economy of a country. France and Germany are two major European countries who are trying to change the present-practice of having 35 hour's working week' Which of following reasons has/have forced them to change the same ?
(A) It is holding back economic growth and the competitiveness of business firms
(B) It is coming in the way of creating more jobs.
(C) Foreign investment has become slow.
(D) 35 hour week is proving unsustainable to some big/giant size companies.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C & D
(d) Only A, C & D
(e) A,B,C & D all

131. Which of the following is NOT one of the recommendations of the N.K. Singh Committee on venture capital funds for the entertainment industry ?
(A) Set up a Rs. 200 crore corpus as 'seed-money' to finance the sector in lndia.
(B) The venture capital should be managed professional through-an asset management company.
(C) A separate film finance corporation should be set up banks should not be allowed to enter into the area
(a) Only A
(b) Only C
(c) Only B & C
(d) Only A & B
(e) Only A,B & C

132. The date command at the DOS prompt enables you to -
(a) View the date and time
(b) Change the date
(c) Change the date and time
(d) Change the day only
(e) None of these
(a) Ans. Date command allows the user to see the current date and modify that.

133. The RBI is planning to carry out a quick fund infusion exercise in the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India (DICGC). Which of the following is the reason owing to which RBI is considering for such a quick move ?
(A) DICGC had to make payments to the customers several cooperative banks failed in recent past.
(B) It is one of he conditions the World Bank and IMF have put before release of any fish credit to India.
(C) Since Finance Ministry is of the opinion that only big banks having sound health should survive, DICG is also required to be strengthened accordingly.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & C
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

134. Many a times we come across the term"Money Laundering' in financial and corporate transactions. what, does it really mean? (pick up the correct statement).
(a) This in fact is an exercise which help companies in making their financial statements more attractive so that they can raise funds through loans and advances from banks.
(b) The term used to depict the activity by which banks and financial institutes find out the amount needed by a company to complete a project or a particular activity, irrespective of their demand for a loan/advance.
(c) When three-four banks or financial institutes come together to finance a company, it is called money laundering. The money raised jointly in such cases is kept with some altogether new bank and can be withdrawn only by the joint permission of the creditors.
(d) When some money is passed on to some unknown person for some secretive purposes without the knowledge of the tax and governmental authorities the activity money laundering.
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

135. The ruling UPA government released its Common Minimum Programmer (CMP) in May 2004. Which of the following are commitments made by the government in the same ?
(A) Eliminate the Center's revenue deficit by 2009
(B) Rural Credit will be doubled in three years time
(C) Adequate protection to farmers from imports particularly when international prices fall sharply
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & B
(e) A, B & C all
Ans. (e)

136. What are batch files in relation to computers ?
(a) They being m with the latter BAT
(b) They help you to keep files in batches
(c) They help you to keep directories in batches
(d) They help you to club a group of statements and run Them one after another
(e) Their help you to keep both directories and file in batches.
(d) Ans. Batch files are a group of commands which can run one after another. When there is need to run more than one command, then this type of Batch files created.

137. Which of the following statements correctly describe the term 'convertible debentures' as used in corporate and financial world ?
(a) It is the debenture which is issued as a,bonus issue,to the holders
(b) It is the debenture which after a specified time is converted to equity
(c) It is the debenture issued by a company with the intention to buy it back after a specified time gap.
(d) These are debentures issued to the main promoters of a company, they are not available for trading in the market as they payable only at time of the closure of the business by. the company
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

138. Which of the following statement (s) is/are true about the ' Edusat, the satellite which was recently in news?
(A) This will be used to conduct interactive teaching sessions and will improve the quality of education particularly in those areas in India where there is a paucity of good teachers.
(B) The satellite is developed by, NASA as a part of "Education to All program" of the . UNESCO.
(C) The satellite will cover around (2/3) of African and (3/4) of Asian continents and will benefit college going students in these regions.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & C
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

139. Which of the following statement (s) is/are true about the situation of Sudan which was in news these days ?
(A) Sudan is passing through a stage of political and social turmoil as incidences of ethnic violence are going on there.
(B) A group of people with the government backing is said to commit. atrocities against black Africans in the province of Darfur.
(C) The UNO has imposed sanctions on Sudan
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only A & B
(d) Only C
(e) All of these
Ans. (c)

140. Recently, there was a demand that the Armed Forces Special Power Act should be withdrawn. The demand was made by the people of which of the follow States ?
(a) Assam
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Manipur
(d) Gujrat
(e) None of these
Ans. (b)

141. When you delete files in windows operating system, they are-
(a) deleted permanently
(b) put in recycle bin
(c) wiped thoroughly so that no body is able to recover the file back
(d) deleted permanently and also wiped clean
(e) the contents are garbled
(b) Ans. When file is deleted in windows operating system that goes directly to recycle bin, which is a garbage collector to contain all the deleted items in it.

142. Who amongst the following is the author of the book Through the Corridors of power" related recently?
(a) Kiran Bedi
(b) P.C. Arexander
(c) J.N. Dixit
(d) T.N. Sheshan
(e) None of these
Ans. (b)

143. In case of cooperative banks working in India, the role of the RBI is of a joint supervisor and regulator. Who amongst the following is another regulator of such banks?
(a) Securities and Exchange. Board of India.
(b) Registrar of Companies
(c) State bank of India
(d) Registrar of Cooperative Societies
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

144. In which of the following countries a severe flood killed around 450 people and covered almost two-third of the country (in July 2004). The UNO had to issue a warning of a humanitarian crisis there.
(a) Bangladesh
(b) India
(c) Nepal
(d) Pakistan
(e) Butan
Ans. (a)

145. The Union Budget 2004-05 has proposed a 2 per cent education cess on all central taxes. How would the collected amount be used ?
(A) On improving quality of technical education being imparted by ITI s.
(B) Paying salary and perks to the teachers who have not received their salaries since so many years.
(C) On the primary education of poor children and their midday meals.
(a) Only C
(b) Only B
(c) Only A
(e) A, B & Call

146. Format command-
(a) Format the CPU
(b) Formats floppy drives only
(c) Format should be left to the engineers to use
(d) Formats 'a disk to receive files
(e) Formats the selected file
(c) Ans. Format can be done on hold drive also. So that all the matter should be clean and new.

147. The Government on December 20,2004, introduced the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Bill, 2004, are based on the recommendations of the Law Commission in its _______on proposed Reform under the Hindu law.
(a) 16th Report
(b) 17th Report
(c) l8th Report
(d) l9th Report
(e) 20th Report
Ans. (b)

148. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Committee on Corporate Governance was headed by-
(a) N. R. Narayana Murthy
(b) Adi Godrej
(c) B.K. Birla
(d) Ratan Tata
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

149. Rajendra Shah the recipient of the prestigious Jnanpith Award recently writes in-
(a) English
(b) Hindi
(c) Marathi
(d) Gujrati
(e) Bengali
Ans. d

150. ln the past several months it is observed that some Indian companies are planning to enter into the business which were not their core areas up till now. Which is the new area in which oil marketing companies BPCL and IOC have shown their interest? (As per news paper reports)
(a) Airport privatisation
(b) Banking & Insurance Services
(c) Information Technology
(d) Hospitality Services
(e) Only D
Ans. (c)

151. Malnutrition makes the people less intelligent and less productive. Several programmes, schemes are launched beat the hunger and/or malnutrition worldwide. Which of the following programmes can not be considered as one such programmed?
(A) To encourage exclusive breast feeding
(B) Mid-day meals in schools
(C) Food for work programmed
(D) Providing extra dose of polio drops
(a) Only A & C
(b) Only D & B
(c) Only A & C
(d) only A, C & D
(e) Only D

152. Arithmetic Logic Unit and control sections have special purpose locations called-
(a) Registers
(b) RAM
(c) BIOS
(d) I/O
(e) ROM
(a) Ans. Alt and control section have special purpose location called "Register" they stored every bit in these specified area.

153. What is the function of a modem?
(a) Encryption and decryption
(b) Converts data to voice and vice-versa
(c) Converts analog signals to digital and vice-versa
(d) Serves as a hardware anti-virus
(e) None of these
(c)Ans. Modem converts analog signal to digital and vice-versa so that a communication between the computer and user should be maintained in a good manner.

154. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), which was in news recently ?
(A) Some long standing members reduced their tariffs on one another's goods.
(B) AFTA has integrated four new members Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.
(C) Scope is now widened as new investment opportunities are also being explored
(D) AFTA is signing a collective free trade agreements with India, China and Japan
(a) Only A,, Band C
(b) Only A, C & D
(c) Only A& D
(d) Only B & C
(e) A,B,C & D all
Ans. (b)

155 " The green revolution of the 1950s and filled millions of Asian bellies, but has much less successful in Africa." Which of the following may be called the probable reason (s) for the failure of such a wonderful programmed in Africa.?
(A) high-yielding varieties of rice and wheat were not planted there widely.
(B) Africa is a water stressed area, where as green revolution was for the countries full of water.
(C) People who were engaged in agricultural activities were not owners of the land they were tilling.
(D) African economy is not based on agriculture.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A, B and C
(e) A, B,C & D all

156. Networking using fibre optic cable is done as_
(a) It has high band-width
(b) it is thin and light
(c) it is not affected by electromagnetic interference/power surges etc.
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. Yes, of course, Networking using fiber optic cable because it is not an easy task to be done as its name implies "Network". It spreads over a wide area so it needs a medium that must be flexible and reliable over long distances along with good output. And fiber optic has these qualities. So that's why networking is using fiber optic cable.

157. The UPA-led Union Government is very keen to provide a boost to the Agriculture sector. What at present is the contribution of this sector in the total GDP?
(a) 10 per cent
(b) 15 per cent
(c) 18 per cent
(d) 22 per cent
(e) 33 per cent
Ans. (d)

158 Indian corporate's and partnership firms are now allowed to invest overseas up to 100 per cent of their network. How this decision of the policy makers will help Indian corporate's and partnership firms ? [pick up the correct statement(s)]
(A) It will help them in making their presence felt in global market.
(B) It will attract foreign companies to invest more in India as Indians are allowed to invest only in those companies who are already functioning in India and not in new ones.
(C) lt is an act of balancing the foreign exchange reserves of India which are swelling very fast.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & C
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

159. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about the Union Budget 2004-05 passed recently ?
(A) Tax rebate for those earning up to Rs. 1, l1,2007/- so that their take home income comes to Rs. 1 lakh after the tax.
(B) Tax on airlines leasing aircraft from abroad valid on deals signed after April 1, 2005.
(c) Chartered Accountants and tax professionals are held responsible for any falsification of account books irrespective, of its impact on tax evasion.
(a) Only A & B
(b) Only B
(c) Only A & C
(d) Only A
(e) All of the above
Ans. (a)

160. Conference (netscape) Net-meeting (internet explorer) enables (choose the option that best describes ) -
(a) Sharing voice on the net.
(b) Live textual Conferencing
(c) Live audio conferencing
(d) Live real time conference
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. Yes, conference/Net meeting enables real time conference. It includes audio, video and textual form of communication.

161. Some specific measures are taken by the Reserve Bank of India to encourage mass use of information technology in the banking industry. Some such measures were proposed in the credit and monetary policy 2004- 2005 announced in May 2004. Which of the following statement (s) represent (s) the same ?
(A) Bank rate is kept stable at 6 per cent
(B) Single window services for all transactions in cash department of RBI was introduced
(C) Service charges on banks for electronic fund transfer and electronic clearing services are waived.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B & C
(c) Only C
(d) Only B
(e) All of the above
Ans. (e)

162. The Union Finance Minister in one of his speeches had given an indication that the interest rates may go up. Which of the following are considered the major contributory factors in the rise of interest rates ?
(A) High fiscal deficit
(B) Improved credit demand from commercial sector.
(C) High inflation
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & C
(e) All of the above
Ans. (d)

163. Who amongst the following is the Prime Minister of Pakistan at present ?
(a) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali
(b) Chaudhary Shujaat Hussain
(c) Shaukat Aziz
(d) Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri
(e) None of these

164. Which of the following countries won maximum number of medals in Athens Olympics 2004 ?
(a) China
(b) USA
(c) Russia
(d) Brazil
(e) None of these
Ans. (b)

165. E-commerce uses the following key standards/technologies -
(a) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
(b) Technical Data Interchange (TDI)
(c) Standard for Exchange of products model data (STEP)
(d) Extensible Markup Language
(e) All of these
(a) Ans. E-commerce uses EDI (Electronic data interchange) because in business, organisation, the data sent over long distances should be safe and accurate and by EDI this can be done.

166. As per the findings of the survey, conducted by the FICCI the climate for foreign direct investment in India is quite positive and five major sectors were identified as most lucrative for strong FDI inflows. Which of the following is NOT one of those five ?
(a) Information Technology
(b) Banking Sector
(c) Service Sector
(d) Chemical & Chemical product
(e) None of these

167. The passport of all Gulf bound Indian passengers are not valid for which of the following countries?
(a) Iraq
(b) Iran
(c) Saudi Arabia
(d) Kuwait
(e) All of these above
Ans. a

168. The World Bank has suggested that India should take certain measures to improve it's economy. Which of the following is NOT included in the same ?
(a) Simplifying tax structure
(b) Eliminating exemptions
(c) Bringing services in the tax net
(d) Implementing a Value Added tax system
(e) All above are included in the same
Ans. (d)

169. The Union Government recently made certain announcements to provide relief to the sugar industry which is passing through a difficult phase. Which of the following is TRUE in this regard ?
(A) The statutory minimum price of sugarcane is fixed on a higher level of base recovery.
(B) The statutory minimum price will be determined on the basis of 'average' sugar recovery and not on the basis of 'peak' recovery.
(C) The rate of interest on loans from the Sugar Development Fund is reduced to a substantial level.
(a) Only A
(b) only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A &C
(e) All of the above

170. The Central Government, recently slashed the excise and customs duties on petrol, diesel, kerosene and cooking gas. Which of the following is/are the reason(s) owing to which the Government has taken this decision.?
(A) India is not self-sufficient in the field of petroleum products. Hence more and more imports is needed to meet the rising demand of such such products. The decision taken by the -Government will help the importers.
(B) This is an attempt on the part of the central Government to insulate domestic consumers from soaring prices of the petroleum products in the international market.
(C) As per the agreement with the WTO, India has to purchase 30 percent petroleum product from the international market and also to sell same amount of its domestic production on subsidized rate to 15 poor countries whose local petroleum production is also nil or less than per cent of their total demand. A reduction in duties will help India to Keep a balance in purchase and selling of the same.
(a) only A
(b) Only B & C
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & B
(e) Only B
Ans. (e)

171. Some small, cooperative and private banks in India had to face a frenzy of their depositors recently as lot of them wanted to withdraw their money at the same time in the event to winding up of a bank how the interest of the depositors are protected in the eyes of the law ? (pick up the correct statement(s)].
(A) Depositors' money gets precedence over banks, capital and depositors will lose only if the bank's losses are more than its capital.
(B) Depositors will get up to Rs. 10,000 only irrespective of the size of their deposit in the bank.
(C) The small depositors are given full assurance as all such deposits (up to Rs.1 lakh) are fully insured by 1 DICGC.
(a) Only A
(b) only B
(c) Only A & C
(d) only C
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

172. Late Frances Crick who died recently was a famous-
(a) Journalist
(b) Scientist
(c) Politician
(d) Musician
(e) Sports personality
Ans. (b)

173. Which of the following is the reason owing to which many Indian businessmen are forced to close their businesses Nepal ?
(A) Nepal does not have a well defined business policy/trade agreement with India.
(B) Maoists are targeting business owned by Indians
(C) Nepal which is on the way to financial reforms wants all business over and above Rs. 50 crore's to be owned jointly by at least two Nepalese as partners. Finding a suitable partner is difficult.
(a) Only A
(b) Only A & B
(c) Only B
(d) Only C
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

174. Which of the following is the reason owing to which a large number of experts from the field of economics, social service, cinema, management, public administration, industry and also hailing. from word Bank, ADB, FICCI, Cell, CRISIL, etc. were called by the Planning Commission of India for a discussion and meeting ?
(A) The Government of India is of the opinion that the Planning Commission should not be a small group of 10-12 members. Instead it should be a body of at least 350 experts representing all States and all major fields. These people were called to express their views on the proposal.
(B) These people were called as a part of various consultative group set up the planning Commission so that a through mid-term appraisal of the 10th Five Year plan can be conducted.
(C) The Planning Commission wishes to take the help of expert from various fields so that it can reorient the 10th. Plan on the lines of UPA Government's Common Minimum programmed.
(a) only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & B
(e) Only B & C
Ans. (d)

175.In an international conference held in Shanghai in May 2004 the poverty alleviation model of which of the following countries was highly appreciated over western model by most of the delegates including the president of the World Bank ?
(a) India
(b) China
(c) Russia
(d) Indonesia
(e) None of these
Ans. (b)


126. The Planning Commission has set up a National Mission on Bamboo Technology and Trade Development as it is considered important in poverty alleviation and employment generation. Which of the following parts of India can not take much benefit from the programmer as it is not rich in bamboo plantation?
(a) North Eastern States
(b) Western Ghats
(c) Chattisgarh
(d) Gujarat
(e) Andaman & Nicobar

127. The Economic Survery 2003-04 presented in the parliament has identified five major problem areas the Indian economy has to tackle. Which of the following is not one of them?
(a) Sustain growth rate at 7-8 per cent in next 5 years.
(b) Contain inflation to the level of 11.5 per cent
(c) Control the revenue deficit and fiscal deficit effectively
(d) Achieve 10 per cent industrial growth
(e) Boost agricultural growth by diversification of crops.
Ans. (b)

128. Which of the following is not a part of the debt relief package for the farmers announced by the Finance Minister in June 2004 ?
(A) The farm credit will be raised by 30 per cent in fiscal year 2004-05.
(B) Banks are allowed to lend farmers to repay their loans taken from non-institutional source.
(C) Farmers are allowed to use their Kisan Credit Cards even for personal and non-agricultural purpouses upto a credit limit.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & B
(e) Only A & C
Ans. (b)

129. What is web casting ?
(a) Casting a movie/TV star in a role on the www
(b) Transmitting the video and audio on the internet
(c) Playing of music on the internet
(d) Searching on the web
(e) None of these
(b) Ans. Web-casting means to transmitting the audio and video on the net. It allows both audio & video and user can see it on wide network.

130. Labour reforms are one important aspect needed to restructure and boost up economy of a country. France and Germany are two major European countries who are trying to change the present-practice of having 35 hour's working week' Which of following reasons has/have forced them to change the same ?
(A) It is holding back economic growth and the competitiveness of business firms
(B) It is coming in the way of creating more jobs.
(C) Foreign investment has become slow.
(D) 35 hour week is proving unsustainable to some big/giant size companies.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C & D
(d) Only A, C & D
(e) A,B,C & D all

131. Which of the following is NOT one of the recommendations of the N.K. Singh Committee on venture capital funds for the entertainment industry ?
(A) Set up a Rs. 200 crore corpus as 'seed-money' to finance the sector in lndia.
(B) The venture capital should be managed professional through-an asset management company.
(C) A separate film finance corporation should be set up banks should not be allowed to enter into the area
(a) Only A
(b) Only C
(c) Only B & C
(d) Only A & B
(e) Only A,B & C

132. The date command at the DOS prompt enables you to -
(a) View the date and time
(b) Change the date
(c) Change the date and time
(d) Change the day only
(e) None of these
(a) Ans. Date command allows the user to see the current date and modify that.

133. The RBI is planning to carry out a quick fund infusion exercise in the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India (DICGC). Which of the following is the reason owing to which RBI is considering for such a quick move ?
(A) DICGC had to make payments to the customers several cooperative banks failed in recent past.
(B) It is one of he conditions the World Bank and IMF have put before release of any fish credit to India.
(C) Since Finance Ministry is of the opinion that only big banks having sound health should survive, DICG is also required to be strengthened accordingly.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & C
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

134. Many a times we come across the term"Money Laundering' in financial and corporate transactions. what, does it really mean? (pick up the correct statement).
(a) This in fact is an exercise which help companies in making their financial statements more attractive so that they can raise funds through loans and advances from banks.
(b) The term used to depict the activity by which banks and financial institutes find out the amount needed by a company to complete a project or a particular activity, irrespective of their demand for a loan/advance.
(c) When three-four banks or financial institutes come together to finance a company, it is called money laundering. The money raised jointly in such cases is kept with some altogether new bank and can be withdrawn only by the joint permission of the creditors.
(d) When some money is passed on to some unknown person for some secretive purposes without the knowledge of the tax and governmental authorities the activity money laundering.
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

135. The ruling UPA government released its Common Minimum Programmer (CMP) in May 2004. Which of the following are commitments made by the government in the same ?
(A) Eliminate the Center's revenue deficit by 2009
(B) Rural Credit will be doubled in three years time
(C) Adequate protection to farmers from imports particularly when international prices fall sharply
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & B
(e) A, B & C all
Ans. (e)

136. What are batch files in relation to computers ?
(a) They being m with the latter BAT
(b) They help you to keep files in batches
(c) They help you to keep directories in batches
(d) They help you to club a group of statements and run Them one after another
(e) Their help you to keep both directories and file in batches.
(d) Ans. Batch files are a group of commands which can run one after another. When there is need to run more than one command, then this type of Batch files created.

137. Which of the following statements correctly describe the term 'convertible debentures' as used in corporate and financial world ?
(a) It is the debenture which is issued as a,bonus issue,to the holders
(b) It is the debenture which after a specified time is converted to equity
(c) It is the debenture issued by a company with the intention to buy it back after a specified time gap.
(d) These are debentures issued to the main promoters of a company, they are not available for trading in the market as they payable only at time of the closure of the business by. the company
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

138. Which of the following statement (s) is/are true about the ' Edusat, the satellite which was recently in news?
(A) This will be used to conduct interactive teaching sessions and will improve the quality of education particularly in those areas in India where there is a paucity of good teachers.
(B) The satellite is developed by, NASA as a part of "Education to All program" of the . UNESCO.
(C) The satellite will cover around (2/3) of African and (3/4) of Asian continents and will benefit college going students in these regions.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & C
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

139. Which of the following statement (s) is/are true about the situation of Sudan which was in news these days ?
(A) Sudan is passing through a stage of political and social turmoil as incidences of ethnic violence are going on there.
(B) A group of people with the government backing is said to commit. atrocities against black Africans in the province of Darfur.
(C) The UNO has imposed sanctions on Sudan
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only A & B
(d) Only C
(e) All of these
Ans. (c)

140. Recently, there was a demand that the Armed Forces Special Power Act should be withdrawn. The demand was made by the people of which of the follow States ?
(a) Assam
(b) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Manipur
(d) Gujrat
(e) None of these
Ans. (b)

141. When you delete files in windows operating system, they are-
(a) deleted permanently
(b) put in recycle bin
(c) wiped thoroughly so that no body is able to recover the file back
(d) deleted permanently and also wiped clean
(e) the contents are garbled
(b) Ans. When file is deleted in windows operating system that goes directly to recycle bin, which is a garbage collector to contain all the deleted items in it.

142. Who amongst the following is the author of the book Through the Corridors of power" related recently?
(a) Kiran Bedi
(b) P.C. Arexander
(c) J.N. Dixit
(d) T.N. Sheshan
(e) None of these
Ans. (b)

143. In case of cooperative banks working in India, the role of the RBI is of a joint supervisor and regulator. Who amongst the following is another regulator of such banks?
(a) Securities and Exchange. Board of India.
(b) Registrar of Companies
(c) State bank of India
(d) Registrar of Cooperative Societies
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

144. In which of the following countries a severe flood killed around 450 people and covered almost two-third of the country (in July 2004). The UNO had to issue a warning of a humanitarian crisis there.
(a) Bangladesh
(b) India
(c) Nepal
(d) Pakistan
(e) Butan
Ans. (a)

145. The Union Budget 2004-05 has proposed a 2 per cent education cess on all central taxes. How would the collected amount be used ?
(A) On improving quality of technical education being imparted by ITI s.
(B) Paying salary and perks to the teachers who have not received their salaries since so many years.
(C) On the primary education of poor children and their midday meals.
(a) Only C
(b) Only B
(c) Only A
(e) A, B & Call

146. Format command-
(a) Format the CPU
(b) Formats floppy drives only
(c) Format should be left to the engineers to use
(d) Formats 'a disk to receive files
(e) Formats the selected file
(c) Ans. Format can be done on hold drive also. So that all the matter should be clean and new.

147. The Government on December 20,2004, introduced the Hindu Succession (Amendment) Bill, 2004, are based on the recommendations of the Law Commission in its _______on proposed Reform under the Hindu law.
(a) 16th Report
(b) 17th Report
(c) l8th Report
(d) l9th Report
(e) 20th Report
Ans. (b)

148. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Committee on Corporate Governance was headed by-
(a) N. R. Narayana Murthy
(b) Adi Godrej
(c) B.K. Birla
(d) Ratan Tata
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

149. Rajendra Shah the recipient of the prestigious Jnanpith Award recently writes in-
(a) English
(b) Hindi
(c) Marathi
(d) Gujrati
(e) Bengali
Ans. d

150. ln the past several months it is observed that some Indian companies are planning to enter into the business which were not their core areas up till now. Which is the new area in which oil marketing companies BPCL and IOC have shown their interest? (As per news paper reports)
(a) Airport privatisation
(b) Banking & Insurance Services
(c) Information Technology
(d) Hospitality Services
(e) Only D
Ans. (c)

151. Malnutrition makes the people less intelligent and less productive. Several programmes, schemes are launched beat the hunger and/or malnutrition worldwide. Which of the following programmes can not be considered as one such programmed?
(A) To encourage exclusive breast feeding
(B) Mid-day meals in schools
(C) Food for work programmed
(D) Providing extra dose of polio drops
(a) Only A & C
(b) Only D & B
(c) Only A & C
(d) only A, C & D
(e) Only D

152. Arithmetic Logic Unit and control sections have special purpose locations called-
(a) Registers
(b) RAM
(c) BIOS
(d) I/O
(e) ROM
(a) Ans. Alt and control section have special purpose location called "Register" they stored every bit in these specified area.

153. What is the function of a modem?
(a) Encryption and decryption
(b) Converts data to voice and vice-versa
(c) Converts analog signals to digital and vice-versa
(d) Serves as a hardware anti-virus
(e) None of these
(c)Ans. Modem converts analog signal to digital and vice-versa so that a communication between the computer and user should be maintained in a good manner.

154. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), which was in news recently ?
(A) Some long standing members reduced their tariffs on one another's goods.
(B) AFTA has integrated four new members Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.
(C) Scope is now widened as new investment opportunities are also being explored
(D) AFTA is signing a collective free trade agreements with India, China and Japan
(a) Only A,, Band C
(b) Only A, C & D
(c) Only A& D
(d) Only B & C
(e) A,B,C & D all
Ans. (b)

155 " The green revolution of the 1950s and filled millions of Asian bellies, but has much less successful in Africa." Which of the following may be called the probable reason (s) for the failure of such a wonderful programmed in Africa.?
(A) high-yielding varieties of rice and wheat were not planted there widely.
(B) Africa is a water stressed area, where as green revolution was for the countries full of water.
(C) People who were engaged in agricultural activities were not owners of the land they were tilling.
(D) African economy is not based on agriculture.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A, B and C
(e) A, B,C & D all

156. Networking using fibre optic cable is done as_
(a) It has high band-width
(b) it is thin and light
(c) it is not affected by electromagnetic interference/power surges etc.
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. Yes, of course, Networking using fiber optic cable because it is not an easy task to be done as its name implies "Network". It spreads over a wide area so it needs a medium that must be flexible and reliable over long distances along with good output. And fiber optic has these qualities. So that's why networking is using fiber optic cable.

157. The UPA-led Union Government is very keen to provide a boost to the Agriculture sector. What at present is the contribution of this sector in the total GDP?
(a) 10 per cent
(b) 15 per cent
(c) 18 per cent
(d) 22 per cent
(e) 33 per cent
Ans. (d)

158 Indian corporate's and partnership firms are now allowed to invest overseas up to 100 per cent of their network. How this decision of the policy makers will help Indian corporate's and partnership firms ? [pick up the correct statement(s)]
(A) It will help them in making their presence felt in global market.
(B) It will attract foreign companies to invest more in India as Indians are allowed to invest only in those companies who are already functioning in India and not in new ones.
(C) lt is an act of balancing the foreign exchange reserves of India which are swelling very fast.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & C
(e) None of these
Ans. (d)

159. Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about the Union Budget 2004-05 passed recently ?
(A) Tax rebate for those earning up to Rs. 1, l1,2007/- so that their take home income comes to Rs. 1 lakh after the tax.
(B) Tax on airlines leasing aircraft from abroad valid on deals signed after April 1, 2005.
(c) Chartered Accountants and tax professionals are held responsible for any falsification of account books irrespective, of its impact on tax evasion.
(a) Only A & B
(b) Only B
(c) Only A & C
(d) Only A
(e) All of the above
Ans. (a)

160. Conference (netscape) Net-meeting (internet explorer) enables (choose the option that best describes ) -
(a) Sharing voice on the net.
(b) Live textual Conferencing
(c) Live audio conferencing
(d) Live real time conference
(e) None of these
(d) Ans. Yes, conference/Net meeting enables real time conference. It includes audio, video and textual form of communication.

161. Some specific measures are taken by the Reserve Bank of India to encourage mass use of information technology in the banking industry. Some such measures were proposed in the credit and monetary policy 2004- 2005 announced in May 2004. Which of the following statement (s) represent (s) the same ?
(A) Bank rate is kept stable at 6 per cent
(B) Single window services for all transactions in cash department of RBI was introduced
(C) Service charges on banks for electronic fund transfer and electronic clearing services are waived.
(a) Only A
(b) Only B & C
(c) Only C
(d) Only B
(e) All of the above
Ans. (e)

162. The Union Finance Minister in one of his speeches had given an indication that the interest rates may go up. Which of the following are considered the major contributory factors in the rise of interest rates ?
(A) High fiscal deficit
(B) Improved credit demand from commercial sector.
(C) High inflation
(a) Only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & C
(e) All of the above
Ans. (d)

163. Who amongst the following is the Prime Minister of Pakistan at present ?
(a) Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali
(b) Chaudhary Shujaat Hussain
(c) Shaukat Aziz
(d) Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri
(e) None of these

164. Which of the following countries won maximum number of medals in Athens Olympics 2004 ?
(a) China
(b) USA
(c) Russia
(d) Brazil
(e) None of these
Ans. (b)

165. E-commerce uses the following key standards/technologies -
(a) Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
(b) Technical Data Interchange (TDI)
(c) Standard for Exchange of products model data (STEP)
(d) Extensible Markup Language
(e) All of these
(a) Ans. E-commerce uses EDI (Electronic data interchange) because in business, organisation, the data sent over long distances should be safe and accurate and by EDI this can be done.

166. As per the findings of the survey, conducted by the FICCI the climate for foreign direct investment in India is quite positive and five major sectors were identified as most lucrative for strong FDI inflows. Which of the following is NOT one of those five ?
(a) Information Technology
(b) Banking Sector
(c) Service Sector
(d) Chemical & Chemical product
(e) None of these

167. The passport of all Gulf bound Indian passengers are not valid for which of the following countries?
(a) Iraq
(b) Iran
(c) Saudi Arabia
(d) Kuwait
(e) All of these above
Ans. a

168. The World Bank has suggested that India should take certain measures to improve it's economy. Which of the following is NOT included in the same ?
(a) Simplifying tax structure
(b) Eliminating exemptions
(c) Bringing services in the tax net
(d) Implementing a Value Added tax system
(e) All above are included in the same
Ans. (d)

169. The Union Government recently made certain announcements to provide relief to the sugar industry which is passing through a difficult phase. Which of the following is TRUE in this regard ?
(A) The statutory minimum price of sugarcane is fixed on a higher level of base recovery.
(B) The statutory minimum price will be determined on the basis of 'average' sugar recovery and not on the basis of 'peak' recovery.
(C) The rate of interest on loans from the Sugar Development Fund is reduced to a substantial level.
(a) Only A
(b) only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A &C
(e) All of the above

170. The Central Government, recently slashed the excise and customs duties on petrol, diesel, kerosene and cooking gas. Which of the following is/are the reason(s) owing to which the Government has taken this decision.?
(A) India is not self-sufficient in the field of petroleum products. Hence more and more imports is needed to meet the rising demand of such such products. The decision taken by the -Government will help the importers.
(B) This is an attempt on the part of the central Government to insulate domestic consumers from soaring prices of the petroleum products in the international market.
(C) As per the agreement with the WTO, India has to purchase 30 percent petroleum product from the international market and also to sell same amount of its domestic production on subsidized rate to 15 poor countries whose local petroleum production is also nil or less than per cent of their total demand. A reduction in duties will help India to Keep a balance in purchase and selling of the same.
(a) only A
(b) Only B & C
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & B
(e) Only B
Ans. (e)

171. Some small, cooperative and private banks in India had to face a frenzy of their depositors recently as lot of them wanted to withdraw their money at the same time in the event to winding up of a bank how the interest of the depositors are protected in the eyes of the law ? (pick up the correct statement(s)].
(A) Depositors' money gets precedence over banks, capital and depositors will lose only if the bank's losses are more than its capital.
(B) Depositors will get up to Rs. 10,000 only irrespective of the size of their deposit in the bank.
(C) The small depositors are given full assurance as all such deposits (up to Rs.1 lakh) are fully insured by 1 DICGC.
(a) Only A
(b) only B
(c) Only A & C
(d) only C
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

172. Late Frances Crick who died recently was a famous-
(a) Journalist
(b) Scientist
(c) Politician
(d) Musician
(e) Sports personality
Ans. (b)

173. Which of the following is the reason owing to which many Indian businessmen are forced to close their businesses Nepal ?
(A) Nepal does not have a well defined business policy/trade agreement with India.
(B) Maoists are targeting business owned by Indians
(C) Nepal which is on the way to financial reforms wants all business over and above Rs. 50 crore's to be owned jointly by at least two Nepalese as partners. Finding a suitable partner is difficult.
(a) Only A
(b) Only A & B
(c) Only B
(d) Only C
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

174. Which of the following is the reason owing to which a large number of experts from the field of economics, social service, cinema, management, public administration, industry and also hailing. from word Bank, ADB, FICCI, Cell, CRISIL, etc. were called by the Planning Commission of India for a discussion and meeting ?
(A) The Government of India is of the opinion that the Planning Commission should not be a small group of 10-12 members. Instead it should be a body of at least 350 experts representing all States and all major fields. These people were called to express their views on the proposal.
(B) These people were called as a part of various consultative group set up the planning Commission so that a through mid-term appraisal of the 10th Five Year plan can be conducted.
(C) The Planning Commission wishes to take the help of expert from various fields so that it can reorient the 10th. Plan on the lines of UPA Government's Common Minimum programmed.
(a) only A
(b) Only B
(c) Only C
(d) Only A & B
(e) Only B & C
Ans. (d)

175.In an international conference held in Shanghai in May 2004 the poverty alleviation model of which of the following countries was highly appreciated over western model by most of the delegates including the president of the World Bank ?
(a) India
(b) China
(c) Russia
(d) Indonesia
(e) None of these
Ans. (b)


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