Sunday 5 June, 2011



Directions (76-90) : Read the .following passage and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
In a disarmingly frank talk at the Indian Merchants Chamber in Mumbai the Japanese Ambassador in India dwelt at length with issues that exercise the mind of Japanese investors when they consider investment proposals in India.Raising the question "What comparative advantages does India offer as an investment market ?" he said though labour in India is inexpensive. wage levels are offset by productivity level to a large extent.Acknowledging that vastness of the Indian market is a great inducement for investment in manufacturing industry he wondered if it was justifiable to provide that overseas remittance of profit in foreign exchange to be fully covered by exchange. earnings as had been done. Significantly, on the eve of the prime Minister exports, meeting this demand. The Ambassador said foreign investors needed to be assured of the continuity and consistency of the liberalization policy and the fact that new measures had been put into force by means of administrative notifications without amending Government laws acted as a damper.The Ambassador pleaded for speedy formulation of the exit policy and pointed to the highly restrictive control by the Government on disinterment by foreign partners in joint ventures in India.While it is ail too easy to dismiss critical comment on conditions in India contemptuously, there can be little about that if foreign investment is to be wooed assiduously, we will have to meet exacting international standard and. cater at partially to what we may consider the -idiosyncrasies of our foreign collaborators. The Japanese too have passed through a stage in the fifties when their
products were divided as substandard and shoddy. That they have come out of the ordeal of fire-to emerge as an economic super power speaks as much of their doggedness to pursue goals against all odds as of their ability to improvise internationally acceptable standards.There is no gain-saying that the past record of Japanese investment is a poor benchmark for future expectations.

76. The author has appreciated the Japanese for their
(a) quality of products manufactured in the fifties.
(b) passing through an ordeal
(c) perseverance for raising quality of products
(d) future expectations
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

77. According to the Japanese Ambassador, which of the following motivates the foreign investors to invest in Indian manufacturing industry ?
(a) Very large scope of Indian market
(b) Overseas remittance of profit in foreign exchange
(c) Assurance of continuity of the liberalization policy
(d) High productivity level
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

78. The purpose of the author in writing this passage seems to be to-
(a) discourage foreign investment in India
(b) critically examine Indian investment environment
(c) paint a rosy picture of India's trade and commerce
(d) criticize Government's liberalization policy
(e) raise the expectations off foreign investors

79. Which of the following suggestions were expected by the Japanese Ambassador ?
(A) Speedy formulation of the exist policy
(B) Imposing restrictions of disinvested by foreign partners in joint ventures in India.
(C) Continuity and consistency of the liberalization policy
(a) All the three
(b) (A) & (B) only
(c) (B) & (C) only
(d) (A) & (C) only
(e) None of these

80. According to the Japanese Ambassador' India offers a comparative advantage of foreign investors in terms of -
(a) inexpensive labour
(b) abysmally low wage levels
(c) higher productivity
(d) skilled workforce
(e) None of these

81. For seeking more and more foreign investment, the author suggests that we should -
(a) satisfy fully the whims of our foreign collaborators
(b) dismiss all critical comments on Indian conditions
(c) link profit repatriations to exports
(d) raise the quality of product of match international standards
(e) None of these

82. From the passage it can be inferred that the author is -
(a) a political commentator
(b) a secretary of the Japanese Ambassador
(c) A Japanese investor
(d) an Indian investor
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

83. The author attributes Japan's emergence as an economic super power to -
(A) Their ability to overcome any ordeal.
(B) their tenacity and perseverance despite unfavourable circumstances.
(C) their ability to improvise and adapt to globally acceptable quality levels.
(a) (A) & (B) only
(b) (B) & (C) only
(c) (A) & (C) only
(d) All of three
(e) None of these

84. Which of the following statement (s) is/are true about the critical comments on investment conditions in India ?
(A) These comments are difficult to be countered.
(B) These comments are received from various international quarters.
(C) These comments are based more on bases than on facts.
(a) Only(C)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only(A)
(d) (A) & (B) only
(e) (A) & (C) only
Ans. (b)

Directions (86-87): Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

85. Assiduously
(a) persistently
(b) hastify
(c) feebly
(d) deliberately
(e) innocently
Ans.(d) The word assiduously (Adverb) comes from' the words assiduous (Adjective). Assitluous means working hard and showing careful attention to detail. For example. They planned their careers and worked assiduously to see them achieved.
on the other hand deliberately means internationally carefully. So, we can choose option (d) as the answer.

86. Idiosyncrasies
(a) demands
(b) needs
(c) deviations
(d) ideologies
(e) identify
Ans.(d) Idiosyncrasy means a person's particular way of thinking, behaving, etc. that is clearly different that of others. For example, One of her little idiosyncrasies is always washing in cold water.
As ideologies is closest in meaning to it, so the answer is(d)

87. Shoddy
(a) extraordinary
(b) shabby
(c) cheap
(d) disadvantageous
(e) unprofitable
Ans.(c) The lexical meaning of shoddy (Adjective) is of poor quality, done or made badly : shoddy goods /workmanship. In the passage shoddy means cheap.

Directions (88-90): Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

(a) incentive
(b) motive
(c) breach
(d) temptation
(e) impediment
Ans: (e) Inducement (Noun) means a thing that persuades somebody to do something, an incentive. For example, Estate agents are off erring inducements to first-time buyers. In the passage also inducement means incentive. As impediment means barrier, hurdle, etc., so the answer is (e).

89. justifiable
(a) unreasonable
(b) formidable
(c) irrevocable
(d) unscrupulous
(e) inevitable
Ans.(d) Unscrupulous means without moral principles; not honest or fair unscrupulous business methods.
In the passage, justifiable means fair"

90. contemptuously
(a) amicably
(b) reasonably
(c) respectfully
(d) methodically
(e) indecisively
Ans. (c)Contemptuous (Adjective) means feeling or showing contempt. Contemptuously (Adverb) means with contempt.

Directions (91-95) Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) The application of economic, environmental and consumer pressures have been on an increase in recent years.
(B) As a result, our agro-food production and technology are amongst the most advanced in the world.
(C) They are thus able to provide expertise and technology to satisfy the needs of agro-food production.
(D) ln tum, the support industries have developed to an equally advanced state.
(E) They have also equipped themselves with the necessary expertise to satisfy the most exacting requirements of the overseas markets.
(F) This have greatly influenced the development of the agriculture and food industries in our country.

91. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) C
(e) B
Ans (a)

92. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) C
(e) B
Ans. (c)

93.Which of the following should be the FOURTFI sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(c) C
(e) B

94. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) C
(e) B
Ans. (d)

95.Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) C
(e) B

Directions (96-105) : Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct ?

If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark (e) as the answer.

96. They didn't pay any heed to their superior's instructions : I
did neither.
(a) I either did
(b) Either I did not
(c) Neither didn't I
(d) Nor did I
(e) No correction required
Ans.(d) I did neither should be replaced by
Not did I. Structure would be :
For example,
................ + neither/nor + auxiliary verb + subject
Ruth didn't turn up and Kate did neither, (×)
Ruth didn't turn up and nor did Kate. (√)                                                   ↓  ↓ Auxiliary Subject     Verb

97.Every poet gives voice to his anger and his compassion through his Poems.
(a) voiced to give
(b) gives voice for
(c) gave voice against
(d) voiced at giving
(e) No correction required
Ans. (e)

98. The police nabbed a notorious criminal who had been terrorizing builders and extorted money from them for the past two years.
(a) was terrorizing builders and extorted
(b) had not been terrorized builders and extorted
(c) had been terrorizing builders and extorting
(d) had terrorized builders and extorted
(e) No correction required
Ans.(c) The sentence is in Past perfect continuous. Hence extort should be replaced by extorting.

99.. Managers, frequently encounter situations where they need to help others solved Problems.
(a) to helping others solved
(b) help others solved
(c) to help others solve
(d) help others solving
(e) No correction required
Ans. infinitive without 'to' is used after need.
For example,
He wondered whether they need send a deposit. He wondered whether they need to send a deposit. ( x )                                                                  ↓                                            infinitive with 'to' He wondered whether they need send a deposit. (√ )                                                         ↓
                              infinitive without 'to'

100. From among various alternatives we should choose the one which is viable and consumes less time and energy.
(a) is viable and consuming lesser
(b) is viability and consumes less
(c) being viable and consumes less
(d) has viable and consuming less
(e) No correction required
Ans. (c)

101. We are looking forward for good rains this year.
(a) are looking forward to
(b) have looked forward for
(c) have been looking forward at
(d) should look forward with
(e) No correction required
Ans. (a)

102. There is full justification to close down the units which are neither profitable nor earning anf social cause.
(a) which are not profitable or serve.
(b) which have neither profitable nor serving
(c) which have neither profitable nor serve.
(d) which are neither profitable nor serve
(e) No connection required
Ans. (e)

103. Please take delivery other material and acknowledgement at the earliest.
(a) send acknowledging at the earliest
(b) acknowledge at the-earliest
(c) acknowledge the earliest
(d) early acknowledgement
(e) No correction required

104. The Officer had triggered a controversy by charging his superiors by ignoring his warning.
(a) charging his .superiors with ignoring
(b) with charging.his superiors by ignoring
(c) by charging his superiors on ignoring
(d) for charging his superiors on ignirrg
(e) No correction required

105. Had we been alone we would have contended ourselves with any plain food that give us strength.
(a) that gives us strength
(b) that gave us strength
(c) which give us strength
(d) which give strength to us
(e) No correction required
Ans (a)

Directions (106-110): In each of the following questions an idiomatic expression and its four possible meaning are given. Find out the correct meaning of 'the idiomatic expression and make number of that meaning as your answer.

106. To eat humble pie
(a) To go to ruins
(b) To be earnest
(c) To spread rapidly
(d) To refuse after consenting
(e) To apologize

107. A witd goose chase
(a) An absurdly hopeless enterprise
(b) A fuss over a trifling matter
(c) to be insensitive to criticism
(d) fo speak boastfully of oneself
(e) Tonsillectomies firomril Juiimurr.

108. Tobehard up
(a) To look depressed
(b) To keep srarvation away
(c) To act exciredty
(e) To behave like a fool

109. To cry wolf
(a) To come to what is most important
(b) To give false alarm
(c) To rurn pale
(d) To be asronished
(e) To run away

110. To take to one's heels
(a) To act against one,s own inrerest
(b) To assault
(c) To run away
(d) To have concern
(e) To run one self

Directions (111-115) : In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pair of words denoted by numbers a,b,c,d and e. Find out which pair of words can be.filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

111. He objected to the proposal because it was founded on a _ principle and also was _ at time.
(a) faulty_______desirable
(b) imperative______reasonable
(c) wrong ________inconvenient (d) sound ______acceptable (e) unconforming _________deplorable
Ans(c) Generlily an objection is made when a proposal is founded on a wrong principle and is inconvenient.

112. The criterion for ___ a player shoukl be his recent performance; but unfortunately, the journalists are _________to be carried away by earlier successes.
(a) condemning _____ satisfying
(b) judging _____ prone
(c) revealing_______ reluctant
(d) eager _______ acclaiming
(e) criticizing __ __ clean
Ans(b) Journalists don't select ; they judge. So, it is said -- ' The criterion for judging a pl Ayer...."
"Recent" and "earlier"' denote different periods of time.
So, option (b) is the correct one.

113. For the last half century he ____ himself to public affairs taking a holiday.
(a) by __ ____committed
(b) after __ ___offered.
(c) devoted __ ____without
(d) sacrificed __ __ __after
(e) prepared __ ____before -
Ans. (c)One devotes oneself in public affairs. So, we should use devoted in the first blank. Without taking a holiday denotes continuous services. So, without is the appropriate use in the second blank.

114. You will see signs of everywhere, which speak well for the _________ of these people.
(a) decoration - senses
(b) clear - debris
(c) beauty - careful
(d) industry - prosperity
(e) repairs - extravaganza
Ans.(d) Signs of industry is an indication of prosperity. So, we can choose option (d).

115. The police arrested Ramesh on a __ __ ____of theft but for lack of evidence _________ him.
(a) crime __ ____imprisoned
(b) punished __ _____complaint
(c) left ________ condition
(d) tip _____ absconding
(e) char ge ______ released
Ans.(e)One can be arrested on a particular charge of theft. But he can be released for. the lack of evidence.

Directions (116-125) : In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

(116) stringent antipollution laws, mass awareness levels in India about the need to (117) the environment are low. Which is (118) many people insist that mere yaws won't do; what we (119) need are "environment conscious" citizens. It is in this context that the University's (120) to introduce environment studies as a compulsory paper at the undergraduate level (121) significance. There was some (122) initially about whb would teach- the paper because financial (123) make it impossible for colleges to (124) approval for new teaching posts. In fact, in August 1999, the University Grants Commission (UGC) imposed a ban on the creation of new teaching posts in colleges. (125) with this problem, authorities at the university have decided that serving teachers belonging to various disciplines will teach the paper.

116. (a) Despite
(b) Having
(c) Enacting
(d) Adopting
(e) Although
Ans. (a)

117. (a) contaminate
(b) clean
(c) filter
(d) protect
(e) pollute

118. (a) resulting
(b) why
(c) obvious
(d) as
(e) because
Ans. (b)

119 . (a) seldom
(b) don't
(c) hardly
(d) perfectly
(e) actually

120 . (a) inability
(b) deferral
(c) decision
(d) failure
(e) reluctance
Ans (e)

121. (a) extracts
(b) trivalency
(d) loses

122. (a) displeasure
(b) anagonism
(c) hurdles
(d) confusion
(e) priority

123. (a) losses
(b) constraints
(c) apathy
(d) soundness
(e) independence

124.(a) receive
(b) establish
(c) emphasize
(d) expert
(e) sanction

125. (a) Down
(b) Familiarity
(c) Faced
(d) Convinced
(e) Solution



Directions (76-90) : Read the .following passage and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.
In a disarmingly frank talk at the Indian Merchants Chamber in Mumbai the Japanese Ambassador in India dwelt at length with issues that exercise the mind of Japanese investors when they consider investment proposals in India.Raising the question "What comparative advantages does India offer as an investment market ?" he said though labour in India is inexpensive. wage levels are offset by productivity level to a large extent.Acknowledging that vastness of the Indian market is a great inducement for investment in manufacturing industry he wondered if it was justifiable to provide that overseas remittance of profit in foreign exchange to be fully covered by exchange. earnings as had been done. Significantly, on the eve of the prime Minister exports, meeting this demand. The Ambassador said foreign investors needed to be assured of the continuity and consistency of the liberalization policy and the fact that new measures had been put into force by means of administrative notifications without amending Government laws acted as a damper.The Ambassador pleaded for speedy formulation of the exit policy and pointed to the highly restrictive control by the Government on disinterment by foreign partners in joint ventures in India.While it is ail too easy to dismiss critical comment on conditions in India contemptuously, there can be little about that if foreign investment is to be wooed assiduously, we will have to meet exacting international standard and. cater at partially to what we may consider the -idiosyncrasies of our foreign collaborators. The Japanese too have passed through a stage in the fifties when their
products were divided as substandard and shoddy. That they have come out of the ordeal of fire-to emerge as an economic super power speaks as much of their doggedness to pursue goals against all odds as of their ability to improvise internationally acceptable standards.There is no gain-saying that the past record of Japanese investment is a poor benchmark for future expectations.

76. The author has appreciated the Japanese for their
(a) quality of products manufactured in the fifties.
(b) passing through an ordeal
(c) perseverance for raising quality of products
(d) future expectations
(e) None of these
Ans. (c)

77. According to the Japanese Ambassador, which of the following motivates the foreign investors to invest in Indian manufacturing industry ?
(a) Very large scope of Indian market
(b) Overseas remittance of profit in foreign exchange
(c) Assurance of continuity of the liberalization policy
(d) High productivity level
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

78. The purpose of the author in writing this passage seems to be to-
(a) discourage foreign investment in India
(b) critically examine Indian investment environment
(c) paint a rosy picture of India's trade and commerce
(d) criticize Government's liberalization policy
(e) raise the expectations off foreign investors

79. Which of the following suggestions were expected by the Japanese Ambassador ?
(A) Speedy formulation of the exist policy
(B) Imposing restrictions of disinvested by foreign partners in joint ventures in India.
(C) Continuity and consistency of the liberalization policy
(a) All the three
(b) (A) & (B) only
(c) (B) & (C) only
(d) (A) & (C) only
(e) None of these

80. According to the Japanese Ambassador' India offers a comparative advantage of foreign investors in terms of -
(a) inexpensive labour
(b) abysmally low wage levels
(c) higher productivity
(d) skilled workforce
(e) None of these

81. For seeking more and more foreign investment, the author suggests that we should -
(a) satisfy fully the whims of our foreign collaborators
(b) dismiss all critical comments on Indian conditions
(c) link profit repatriations to exports
(d) raise the quality of product of match international standards
(e) None of these

82. From the passage it can be inferred that the author is -
(a) a political commentator
(b) a secretary of the Japanese Ambassador
(c) A Japanese investor
(d) an Indian investor
(e) None of these
Ans. (a)

83. The author attributes Japan's emergence as an economic super power to -
(A) Their ability to overcome any ordeal.
(B) their tenacity and perseverance despite unfavourable circumstances.
(C) their ability to improvise and adapt to globally acceptable quality levels.
(a) (A) & (B) only
(b) (B) & (C) only
(c) (A) & (C) only
(d) All of three
(e) None of these

84. Which of the following statement (s) is/are true about the critical comments on investment conditions in India ?
(A) These comments are difficult to be countered.
(B) These comments are received from various international quarters.
(C) These comments are based more on bases than on facts.
(a) Only(C)
(b) Only (B)
(c) Only(A)
(d) (A) & (B) only
(e) (A) & (C) only
Ans. (b)

Directions (86-87): Choose the word which is most nearly the SAME in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

85. Assiduously
(a) persistently
(b) hastify
(c) feebly
(d) deliberately
(e) innocently
Ans.(d) The word assiduously (Adverb) comes from' the words assiduous (Adjective). Assitluous means working hard and showing careful attention to detail. For example. They planned their careers and worked assiduously to see them achieved.
on the other hand deliberately means internationally carefully. So, we can choose option (d) as the answer.

86. Idiosyncrasies
(a) demands
(b) needs
(c) deviations
(d) ideologies
(e) identify
Ans.(d) Idiosyncrasy means a person's particular way of thinking, behaving, etc. that is clearly different that of others. For example, One of her little idiosyncrasies is always washing in cold water.
As ideologies is closest in meaning to it, so the answer is(d)

87. Shoddy
(a) extraordinary
(b) shabby
(c) cheap
(d) disadvantageous
(e) unprofitable
Ans.(c) The lexical meaning of shoddy (Adjective) is of poor quality, done or made badly : shoddy goods /workmanship. In the passage shoddy means cheap.

Directions (88-90): Choose the word which is most OPPOSITE in meaning of the word printed in bold as used in the passage.

(a) incentive
(b) motive
(c) breach
(d) temptation
(e) impediment
Ans: (e) Inducement (Noun) means a thing that persuades somebody to do something, an incentive. For example, Estate agents are off erring inducements to first-time buyers. In the passage also inducement means incentive. As impediment means barrier, hurdle, etc., so the answer is (e).

89. justifiable
(a) unreasonable
(b) formidable
(c) irrevocable
(d) unscrupulous
(e) inevitable
Ans.(d) Unscrupulous means without moral principles; not honest or fair unscrupulous business methods.
In the passage, justifiable means fair"

90. contemptuously
(a) amicably
(b) reasonably
(c) respectfully
(d) methodically
(e) indecisively
Ans. (c)Contemptuous (Adjective) means feeling or showing contempt. Contemptuously (Adverb) means with contempt.

Directions (91-95) Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.

(A) The application of economic, environmental and consumer pressures have been on an increase in recent years.
(B) As a result, our agro-food production and technology are amongst the most advanced in the world.
(C) They are thus able to provide expertise and technology to satisfy the needs of agro-food production.
(D) ln tum, the support industries have developed to an equally advanced state.
(E) They have also equipped themselves with the necessary expertise to satisfy the most exacting requirements of the overseas markets.
(F) This have greatly influenced the development of the agriculture and food industries in our country.

91. Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) C
(e) B
Ans (a)

92. Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) C
(e) B
Ans. (c)

93.Which of the following should be the FOURTFI sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(c) C
(e) B

94. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) C
(e) B
Ans. (d)

95.Which of the following should be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) F
(b) E
(c) D
(d) C
(e) B

Directions (96-105) : Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the phrase given in bold in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically correct ?

If the sentence is correct as it is and no correction is required, mark (e) as the answer.

96. They didn't pay any heed to their superior's instructions : I
did neither.
(a) I either did
(b) Either I did not
(c) Neither didn't I
(d) Nor did I
(e) No correction required
Ans.(d) I did neither should be replaced by
Not did I. Structure would be :
For example,
................ + neither/nor + auxiliary verb + subject
Ruth didn't turn up and Kate did neither, (×)
Ruth didn't turn up and nor did Kate. (√)                                                   ↓  ↓ Auxiliary Subject     Verb

97.Every poet gives voice to his anger and his compassion through his Poems.
(a) voiced to give
(b) gives voice for
(c) gave voice against
(d) voiced at giving
(e) No correction required
Ans. (e)

98. The police nabbed a notorious criminal who had been terrorizing builders and extorted money from them for the past two years.
(a) was terrorizing builders and extorted
(b) had not been terrorized builders and extorted
(c) had been terrorizing builders and extorting
(d) had terrorized builders and extorted
(e) No correction required
Ans.(c) The sentence is in Past perfect continuous. Hence extort should be replaced by extorting.

99.. Managers, frequently encounter situations where they need to help others solved Problems.
(a) to helping others solved
(b) help others solved
(c) to help others solve
(d) help others solving
(e) No correction required
Ans. infinitive without 'to' is used after need.
For example,
He wondered whether they need send a deposit. He wondered whether they need to send a deposit. ( x )                                                                  ↓                                            infinitive with 'to' He wondered whether they need send a deposit. (√ )                                                         ↓
                              infinitive without 'to'

100. From among various alternatives we should choose the one which is viable and consumes less time and energy.
(a) is viable and consuming lesser
(b) is viability and consumes less
(c) being viable and consumes less
(d) has viable and consuming less
(e) No correction required
Ans. (c)

101. We are looking forward for good rains this year.
(a) are looking forward to
(b) have looked forward for
(c) have been looking forward at
(d) should look forward with
(e) No correction required
Ans. (a)

102. There is full justification to close down the units which are neither profitable nor earning anf social cause.
(a) which are not profitable or serve.
(b) which have neither profitable nor serving
(c) which have neither profitable nor serve.
(d) which are neither profitable nor serve
(e) No connection required
Ans. (e)

103. Please take delivery other material and acknowledgement at the earliest.
(a) send acknowledging at the earliest
(b) acknowledge at the-earliest
(c) acknowledge the earliest
(d) early acknowledgement
(e) No correction required

104. The Officer had triggered a controversy by charging his superiors by ignoring his warning.
(a) charging his .superiors with ignoring
(b) with charging.his superiors by ignoring
(c) by charging his superiors on ignoring
(d) for charging his superiors on ignirrg
(e) No correction required

105. Had we been alone we would have contended ourselves with any plain food that give us strength.
(a) that gives us strength
(b) that gave us strength
(c) which give us strength
(d) which give strength to us
(e) No correction required
Ans (a)

Directions (106-110): In each of the following questions an idiomatic expression and its four possible meaning are given. Find out the correct meaning of 'the idiomatic expression and make number of that meaning as your answer.

106. To eat humble pie
(a) To go to ruins
(b) To be earnest
(c) To spread rapidly
(d) To refuse after consenting
(e) To apologize

107. A witd goose chase
(a) An absurdly hopeless enterprise
(b) A fuss over a trifling matter
(c) to be insensitive to criticism
(d) fo speak boastfully of oneself
(e) Tonsillectomies firomril Juiimurr.

108. Tobehard up
(a) To look depressed
(b) To keep srarvation away
(c) To act exciredty
(e) To behave like a fool

109. To cry wolf
(a) To come to what is most important
(b) To give false alarm
(c) To rurn pale
(d) To be asronished
(e) To run away

110. To take to one's heels
(a) To act against one,s own inrerest
(b) To assault
(c) To run away
(d) To have concern
(e) To run one self

Directions (111-115) : In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are five pair of words denoted by numbers a,b,c,d and e. Find out which pair of words can be.filled up in the blanks in the sentence in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

111. He objected to the proposal because it was founded on a _ principle and also was _ at time.
(a) faulty_______desirable
(b) imperative______reasonable
(c) wrong ________inconvenient (d) sound ______acceptable (e) unconforming _________deplorable
Ans(c) Generlily an objection is made when a proposal is founded on a wrong principle and is inconvenient.

112. The criterion for ___ a player shoukl be his recent performance; but unfortunately, the journalists are _________to be carried away by earlier successes.
(a) condemning _____ satisfying
(b) judging _____ prone
(c) revealing_______ reluctant
(d) eager _______ acclaiming
(e) criticizing __ __ clean
Ans(b) Journalists don't select ; they judge. So, it is said -- ' The criterion for judging a pl Ayer...."
"Recent" and "earlier"' denote different periods of time.
So, option (b) is the correct one.

113. For the last half century he ____ himself to public affairs taking a holiday.
(a) by __ ____committed
(b) after __ ___offered.
(c) devoted __ ____without
(d) sacrificed __ __ __after
(e) prepared __ ____before -
Ans. (c)One devotes oneself in public affairs. So, we should use devoted in the first blank. Without taking a holiday denotes continuous services. So, without is the appropriate use in the second blank.

114. You will see signs of everywhere, which speak well for the _________ of these people.
(a) decoration - senses
(b) clear - debris
(c) beauty - careful
(d) industry - prosperity
(e) repairs - extravaganza
Ans.(d) Signs of industry is an indication of prosperity. So, we can choose option (d).

115. The police arrested Ramesh on a __ __ ____of theft but for lack of evidence _________ him.
(a) crime __ ____imprisoned
(b) punished __ _____complaint
(c) left ________ condition
(d) tip _____ absconding
(e) char ge ______ released
Ans.(e)One can be arrested on a particular charge of theft. But he can be released for. the lack of evidence.

Directions (116-125) : In the following passage, there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

(116) stringent antipollution laws, mass awareness levels in India about the need to (117) the environment are low. Which is (118) many people insist that mere yaws won't do; what we (119) need are "environment conscious" citizens. It is in this context that the University's (120) to introduce environment studies as a compulsory paper at the undergraduate level (121) significance. There was some (122) initially about whb would teach- the paper because financial (123) make it impossible for colleges to (124) approval for new teaching posts. In fact, in August 1999, the University Grants Commission (UGC) imposed a ban on the creation of new teaching posts in colleges. (125) with this problem, authorities at the university have decided that serving teachers belonging to various disciplines will teach the paper.

116. (a) Despite
(b) Having
(c) Enacting
(d) Adopting
(e) Although
Ans. (a)

117. (a) contaminate
(b) clean
(c) filter
(d) protect
(e) pollute

118. (a) resulting
(b) why
(c) obvious
(d) as
(e) because
Ans. (b)

119 . (a) seldom
(b) don't
(c) hardly
(d) perfectly
(e) actually

120 . (a) inability
(b) deferral
(c) decision
(d) failure
(e) reluctance
Ans (e)

121. (a) extracts
(b) trivalency
(d) loses

122. (a) displeasure
(b) anagonism
(c) hurdles
(d) confusion
(e) priority

123. (a) losses
(b) constraints
(c) apathy
(d) soundness
(e) independence

124.(a) receive
(b) establish
(c) emphasize
(d) expert
(e) sanction

125. (a) Down
(b) Familiarity
(c) Faced
(d) Convinced
(e) Solution


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