Sunday 5 June, 2011


Directions (151-160) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below & certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate while answering some of the questions.
There is absolutely on point in complaining that over the years, there has been pressure for Increased productivity and higher earning for works in industry. There are several ways for increasing employees' earnings. Employee earnings can be Increased by raising the selling price of the firm's products and services, productivity profits or costs of raw materials, or augmenting labour productivity. However, increasing employee earning by means other than increased labour productivity jeopardizes the firm's competitive strength in the market. Higher price usually mean fewer customers, reduced profit means less capital investment, and low cost materials mean poor product quality. But-, increasing labour productivity by enhancing skills and motivation creates an
almost unlimited resource. The development of economic resource, human as well as nonhuman, is the product of human effort, and the quality of human effort in large part depend on human motivation.
Enthusing employees with workaholic spirit through traditional authority and financial incentives has become increasingly difficult as employees become economically secure and their dependency on any one particular organisation decreases .According to expectancy theorists, the motivation to work increases. when an employee feels his performance is an instrument for obtaining desired rewards; Nevertheless, in many organisation's today employees are entitled to organisational rewards just by being employed. Unions, governmental regulations, and the nature of the job itself in some cases. prevent management from relating financial rewards to performance. people may be attracted to join and remain in organisation's to receive organisational rewards, but being motivated to join an organisation is not the same as being motivated to exert effort in an organisation. The challenge to management is to final and administer alternative from of incentives which will induce employees to improve work performance. Such alternative from's of reinforcement will require increased understanding of motivational theories and programmes.

151. Which of the following statements is TRUE in the context of the   passage?
(a) Development of economic resources is primarily the product of  market conditions
(b) Earnings can be increased' by lowering the selling price of  products
(c) Employees can be best motivated by providing financial incentives
(d) All employees should be entitled to organisational rewards  just  by  being  employed
(e) None of these

152. Organisation's can derive maximum advantages by
(a) providing financial incentives to employees regardless of performance
(b) enhancing labour productivity by increasing skills and motivation
(c) encouraging employees to expend greater physical energy
(d) inducing employees to improve work performance and control their demands
(e) strictly adhering to governmental regulations

153. According to the passage, all of the following contribute to an increase in employee earnings EXCEPT
(a) increasing the selling price of the company,s products
(b) reducing profits in favor of employees
(c) providing incentives and fringe benefits to employees
(d) enhancing labour productivity
(e) increased capital investment

154. employee feel motivated to work when they
(a) experience good working conditions in the organisation
(b) decide to produce goods and services as a result of team work
(c) think of performance as a tool for obtaining rewards
(d) relate rewards to material prosperity
(e) are members of the union

155. Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning or the word Induce as used in the passage.
(a) appreciate
(b) stimulate
(c) exhibit
(d) inflate
(e) threaten
Ans.(b) The meaning of the word Induce (Verb) as used in the passage is : to persuade or influence somebody to do something.
Look at the sentence :
Nothing would induce me to take the job. Out of the given alternatives, the word Stimulate (Verb) means : to make something develop or become more active ; to encourage something.
Look at the sentences :
The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work. The article can be used to stimulate discussion among students. Hence the words induce and stimulate are synonymous.

156. Which of the following factors, according to the passage, adversely affects the organisation's competitive strength
(a) Making rewards contingent on performance
(b) Anti-productivity and anti-management activities of labour unions
(c) Motivating employees with tradi-tionajauthortty
(d) Increasing employee earnings regardless of their productivity
(e) None of these

157. Which of the statements is/are not true in the context of the -passage ?
(A) Human effort is the cause of the development of economic resources.
(B) Management is free to relate financial rearwards to performance.
(C) Employees can be easily motivated with traditional authority today.
(a) Both (A) and (B)
(b) only(C)
(c) Both (A) and (C)
(d) Both (B) and (C)
(e) None of these

158. Which of the following factors determine the quality of human efforts ?
(a) Desire and willingness of an individual to excel in whatever he undertakes
(b) Economic resources available with the organisation
(c) The individual's innovativeness
{d) Authoritarian leadership and job security
(e) None of these

159. In the context of the passage, a company's competitive strength in the market is affected mainly because of
(A) a slump in the international market
(B) poor inter-department ai coordination
(C) decreased labour productivity
(a) only (A)
(b)only B
(c) only(C)
(d) Both (B) and (C)
(e) None of these

160. Which of the following words is most opposite in meaning to the word 'jeopardises' as used in the passage ?
(a) safeguards
(b) endangers
(c) projects
 (d) devalues
(e) decreases
Ans.(a) The meaning of the word Jeopardises (Verb) as used in the passage. is : to risk harming or destroying something/some body endanger.
Look at the sentence :
She would never do anything to Jeopardises her career. Out of the given alternatives the word safeguard (Verd) means : to protect something/somebody from loss, harm or damage ; to keep something/somebody safe.
Look at the sentences :
The new card will safeguard the company against fraud. The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home. Hence, the words jeopardises and safeguards are antonymous

Directions (161 -165): One of the four words given in each of these questions may be wrongly spent the number of that wrongly spelt word is the answer If all the four words are correctly spelt, mark(e) i.e. 'All Correct's the answer.

161. (a) defamation
(b) arrogant
(c) solitude
(d) exorbitant
(e) All Correct
Ans.(d) The correct spelling is exorbitant which mean ; much too high.
Look at the sentence :
Goods bear exorbitant prices in this shop.

162. (a) decompose
(b) veteran
(c) venturesome
(d) definition
(e) All Correct
Ans.(c) The correct spelling is venturesome, which means : willing to take risk; daring.

163. (a) wastefully
(b) prejudice
(c) expensive
(d) embarrassing
(e) All Correct
Ans.(a) The correct spelling is wasteful, which means : using more, of something than is necessary ; not saving.
Look at the sentence :
The whole process is wasteful and inefficient.

164. (a) significant
(b) possessive
(c) Impatient
(d) device
(e) All Correct

165. (a) prosperous
(b) glumy
(c) dormant
(d) derogatory
(e) AH correct
Ans.(b) The correct spelling is gloomy, which means ; nearly dark ; depressing ; sad quiet and unhappy.
Look at the sentence :
We sat in gloomy silence. The words gloomy and glum are synonymous.
Look at the sentence :
The players sat there with glum looks on their faces.

Directions    (166-170): Red such penitence to find out if there is any error in it The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer If there is no error, the answer is (e). i.e. 'No Error'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

166. He gave me all the details of when he (a)/ had visited all the temples (b)/ while he will be going, (c/on official tour. (d)/ No error (e)
Ans.(c) The sentence shows past time. Hence, while he will be going ........ 'should be replaced by ' while he was.

167. Let's all work (a)/together as like homogeneous (b)/ group so that (c)/success would be obvious. (d)/ No error (e).
Ans. (b) The use of as and like together in the group of words - together as like homogeneous is not proper. Hence either as or like should be used.

168. The process was so simple (a) and easy to understand (b)/ that it hardly took (c/five minutes for us to learn it. (d)/ No error (e)

169. It is strange that (a)/even after/fifteen years of experience, (b)/ he is still not (c)/ able to b performer. (d/ No error          (e).
Ans. (d) The use of passive is wrong. Hence, able to perform' is correct usage.

170. What to make people (a)/ tenies is actually (b)/a mystery which (c)/ is difficult to unfold. (d/ No error (e).
Ans.(a) The group of words' what to make people' should be replaced by 'what makes people'.

Directions (171 -175): Rearrange the following, six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and(F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(A) The insurance policy has b br deposited with NABARD.
(B) I intend to purchase a tractor and certain other agricultural equip-merits.
(C) I shall therefore feel obliged if you send your representative to inspect t6e equipments.
(D) I shall be applying for a loan of Rs' six lakhs from NABARD for that Purpose.
(E) On completion,' your representative may kindly inform me of the annual insurance premium.
(F) The rules state that the equipments have to be insured against accidents and fire,

171. Which of the following will be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement ?
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

172 Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
(c) C
(e) E

173 Which of the following will be the' FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ? .
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

174. Which of the following will be SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

175 Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

Directions (176-180): In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given: These are numbered as (a), (b), (c) and (d)' One of these four boldly printer words may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out of which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The number of that word is your answer If all the words printed in bold all correctly spelt and also are appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark(e) i.e. 'All Correct's your answer.

176. Some people think that their life is full of grief (a)/ and miseries .(b)/ too grievous (c)/to be born(d)7All Correct        (e).
Ans.(d) The word born's should be replaced by 'born'. The past participle from of verb bear is borne.

177. The opinion (a) /expressed (b)/ is based only on our transactions (c)/ with the party concerns' (d)/'All Correct                  (e).
Ans.(d) The words 'concerns' should be related by 'concerned (V3).

178.I was surprised (a)/ when I got confirmation (b)/ of the news that he was the recipient (C)/ of the prestigious (d)/ award. All Correct (e)

179. The Circumstances (a)/ in which the claim (b)/ was made are certainly (c)/ unbelievable' (d)/All correct(e)
Ans.(a) The correct spelling is circumstances.

180. The authorities (a)/ always request our assistance (b)/ whenever they felt 1c)/ they require (d)/ it' All Correct (e).
Ans.(c) As the sentence is in Simple "Present, the word should be replaced by feel.
Directions (181-185): In each question below' a part is printed in bold It may contain an er.ror' If so' find out -which of the phrase(a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence b make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and 'no correction is required', mark (e) as the answer,

181. When they start investigating, several irregularities were detected.
(a) started investigate ,
(b) started an investigation
(c) start investigation
(d) started off investigation
(e) No correction required

182.You must be stopped these undesirable activities immediately.
(a) must have' been stopped
(b) may have been stopped
(c) might have been stopped
(d) must stop
(e) No correction required

183. Farmers in our country suffer because of an over dependence on rain and the threat to natural calamities like floods.
(a) threat of natural .calamities
(b) threat against natural calamities
(c) threatened due to natural calamity
(d) natural calamities threatened
(e) No correction required

184. Automation in agriculture and farm 'management is considered a boon but in fact, it is nor true as they to more unemployment.
(a) it leads to more employment.
(b) theY lead to more employment.
(c) they lead to more unemployment.
(d) it leads to more unemployment.
(e) No correction required

185.The agricultural sector deserves more attention than the industrial sector in our country.
(a) deserves attention more
(b) deserving more attention
(c) deserve more attention
(d) deserve to be attended more
(e) No correction required

Directions (186-200): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each.five words are suggested one of which fits the blanks appropriately without changing its meaning . Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Many kind of insects are (186) and larger animals learn to (187) eating them. . It is in the (188) of these insects to show a (189) flange of some kind. The typical wasp, for example, (190) a conspicuous colour pattern of black and yellow (191) on its body. This is (192) distinctive that is easy for a (193) animal to remember it. After a few unfortunate experiences is quickly learns to (194) insects bearing this pattern. Other, unrelated, poisonous insect species may also carry a similar pattern. They become members of what has been called a 'warning club'.
The important point for us, in the present (195) is that some harmless species of insects have taken (196) of this system by developing colour patterns similar to those of the poisonous members of the 'warning club'. Certain innocuous flies, for instance, (l97) black and yellow bands on their bodies that mimic the-colour patterns of the wasps. By becoming (198) members of the ,warning club' they reap the benefits without having to fl99) any real poison. The killers dare not attack them, even though they would, In reality, make a (200) meal.

(a) flying
(b) conspicuous
(c) vulnerable
(d) big
(e) poisonous

187. (a) desist
(b) adjust
(c) prefer
(d) avoid
(e) nurture

188. (a) habit
(b) interest
(c) goodwill
(d) welfare
(e) help

189. (a) dangerous
(b) ambiguous
(c) warning
(d) coloured
(e) safety

90. (a) reveal
(b) paints
(c) flashes
(d) Carried
(e) loaded

191. (a) bands
(b) pieces
(c) paint
(d) colours
(e) clothes

192. (a) so
(b) extremely
(c) normally
(d) too
(e) very

193.(a) bold
(b) prey
(c) chased
(d) predatory
(e) hundred

194. (a) hate
(b) love
(c) approach
(d) abstain
(e) avoid

195. (a) text
(b) premise
(c) context
(d) day
(e) view

196. (a) profit.
(b) yield
(c) disadvantage
(d) ride
(e) advantage

197. (a) display
(b) indicates
(c) announce
(d) wear
(e) bears

198. (a) unregistered
(b) fake
(c) honorary
(d) sycophant
(e) original

199. (a) transport
(b) inject
(c) possess
(d) earn
(e) load

200. (a) troublesome
(b) delicious
(c) indigestible:
(d) hazardous
(e) cheap


Directions (151-160) : Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below & certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate while answering some of the questions.
There is absolutely on point in complaining that over the years, there has been pressure for Increased productivity and higher earning for works in industry. There are several ways for increasing employees' earnings. Employee earnings can be Increased by raising the selling price of the firm's products and services, productivity profits or costs of raw materials, or augmenting labour productivity. However, increasing employee earning by means other than increased labour productivity jeopardizes the firm's competitive strength in the market. Higher price usually mean fewer customers, reduced profit means less capital investment, and low cost materials mean poor product quality. But-, increasing labour productivity by enhancing skills and motivation creates an
almost unlimited resource. The development of economic resource, human as well as nonhuman, is the product of human effort, and the quality of human effort in large part depend on human motivation.
Enthusing employees with workaholic spirit through traditional authority and financial incentives has become increasingly difficult as employees become economically secure and their dependency on any one particular organisation decreases .According to expectancy theorists, the motivation to work increases. when an employee feels his performance is an instrument for obtaining desired rewards; Nevertheless, in many organisation's today employees are entitled to organisational rewards just by being employed. Unions, governmental regulations, and the nature of the job itself in some cases. prevent management from relating financial rewards to performance. people may be attracted to join and remain in organisation's to receive organisational rewards, but being motivated to join an organisation is not the same as being motivated to exert effort in an organisation. The challenge to management is to final and administer alternative from of incentives which will induce employees to improve work performance. Such alternative from's of reinforcement will require increased understanding of motivational theories and programmes.

151. Which of the following statements is TRUE in the context of the   passage?
(a) Development of economic resources is primarily the product of  market conditions
(b) Earnings can be increased' by lowering the selling price of  products
(c) Employees can be best motivated by providing financial incentives
(d) All employees should be entitled to organisational rewards  just  by  being  employed
(e) None of these

152. Organisation's can derive maximum advantages by
(a) providing financial incentives to employees regardless of performance
(b) enhancing labour productivity by increasing skills and motivation
(c) encouraging employees to expend greater physical energy
(d) inducing employees to improve work performance and control their demands
(e) strictly adhering to governmental regulations

153. According to the passage, all of the following contribute to an increase in employee earnings EXCEPT
(a) increasing the selling price of the company,s products
(b) reducing profits in favor of employees
(c) providing incentives and fringe benefits to employees
(d) enhancing labour productivity
(e) increased capital investment

154. employee feel motivated to work when they
(a) experience good working conditions in the organisation
(b) decide to produce goods and services as a result of team work
(c) think of performance as a tool for obtaining rewards
(d) relate rewards to material prosperity
(e) are members of the union

155. Choose the word which is MOST SIMILAR in meaning or the word Induce as used in the passage.
(a) appreciate
(b) stimulate
(c) exhibit
(d) inflate
(e) threaten
Ans.(b) The meaning of the word Induce (Verb) as used in the passage is : to persuade or influence somebody to do something.
Look at the sentence :
Nothing would induce me to take the job. Out of the given alternatives, the word Stimulate (Verb) means : to make something develop or become more active ; to encourage something.
Look at the sentences :
The exhibition has stimulated interest in her work. The article can be used to stimulate discussion among students. Hence the words induce and stimulate are synonymous.

156. Which of the following factors, according to the passage, adversely affects the organisation's competitive strength
(a) Making rewards contingent on performance
(b) Anti-productivity and anti-management activities of labour unions
(c) Motivating employees with tradi-tionajauthortty
(d) Increasing employee earnings regardless of their productivity
(e) None of these

157. Which of the statements is/are not true in the context of the -passage ?
(A) Human effort is the cause of the development of economic resources.
(B) Management is free to relate financial rearwards to performance.
(C) Employees can be easily motivated with traditional authority today.
(a) Both (A) and (B)
(b) only(C)
(c) Both (A) and (C)
(d) Both (B) and (C)
(e) None of these

158. Which of the following factors determine the quality of human efforts ?
(a) Desire and willingness of an individual to excel in whatever he undertakes
(b) Economic resources available with the organisation
(c) The individual's innovativeness
{d) Authoritarian leadership and job security
(e) None of these

159. In the context of the passage, a company's competitive strength in the market is affected mainly because of
(A) a slump in the international market
(B) poor inter-department ai coordination
(C) decreased labour productivity
(a) only (A)
(b)only B
(c) only(C)
(d) Both (B) and (C)
(e) None of these

160. Which of the following words is most opposite in meaning to the word 'jeopardises' as used in the passage ?
(a) safeguards
(b) endangers
(c) projects
 (d) devalues
(e) decreases
Ans.(a) The meaning of the word Jeopardises (Verb) as used in the passage. is : to risk harming or destroying something/some body endanger.
Look at the sentence :
She would never do anything to Jeopardises her career. Out of the given alternatives the word safeguard (Verd) means : to protect something/somebody from loss, harm or damage ; to keep something/somebody safe.
Look at the sentences :
The new card will safeguard the company against fraud. The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home. Hence, the words jeopardises and safeguards are antonymous

Directions (161 -165): One of the four words given in each of these questions may be wrongly spent the number of that wrongly spelt word is the answer If all the four words are correctly spelt, mark(e) i.e. 'All Correct's the answer.

161. (a) defamation
(b) arrogant
(c) solitude
(d) exorbitant
(e) All Correct
Ans.(d) The correct spelling is exorbitant which mean ; much too high.
Look at the sentence :
Goods bear exorbitant prices in this shop.

162. (a) decompose
(b) veteran
(c) venturesome
(d) definition
(e) All Correct
Ans.(c) The correct spelling is venturesome, which means : willing to take risk; daring.

163. (a) wastefully
(b) prejudice
(c) expensive
(d) embarrassing
(e) All Correct
Ans.(a) The correct spelling is wasteful, which means : using more, of something than is necessary ; not saving.
Look at the sentence :
The whole process is wasteful and inefficient.

164. (a) significant
(b) possessive
(c) Impatient
(d) device
(e) All Correct

165. (a) prosperous
(b) glumy
(c) dormant
(d) derogatory
(e) AH correct
Ans.(b) The correct spelling is gloomy, which means ; nearly dark ; depressing ; sad quiet and unhappy.
Look at the sentence :
We sat in gloomy silence. The words gloomy and glum are synonymous.
Look at the sentence :
The players sat there with glum looks on their faces.

Directions    (166-170): Red such penitence to find out if there is any error in it The error if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer If there is no error, the answer is (e). i.e. 'No Error'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

166. He gave me all the details of when he (a)/ had visited all the temples (b)/ while he will be going, (c/on official tour. (d)/ No error (e)
Ans.(c) The sentence shows past time. Hence, while he will be going ........ 'should be replaced by ' while he was.

167. Let's all work (a)/together as like homogeneous (b)/ group so that (c)/success would be obvious. (d)/ No error (e).
Ans. (b) The use of as and like together in the group of words - together as like homogeneous is not proper. Hence either as or like should be used.

168. The process was so simple (a) and easy to understand (b)/ that it hardly took (c/five minutes for us to learn it. (d)/ No error (e)

169. It is strange that (a)/even after/fifteen years of experience, (b)/ he is still not (c)/ able to b performer. (d/ No error          (e).
Ans. (d) The use of passive is wrong. Hence, able to perform' is correct usage.

170. What to make people (a)/ tenies is actually (b)/a mystery which (c)/ is difficult to unfold. (d/ No error (e).
Ans.(a) The group of words' what to make people' should be replaced by 'what makes people'.

Directions (171 -175): Rearrange the following, six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and(F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them.
(A) The insurance policy has b br deposited with NABARD.
(B) I intend to purchase a tractor and certain other agricultural equip-merits.
(C) I shall therefore feel obliged if you send your representative to inspect t6e equipments.
(D) I shall be applying for a loan of Rs' six lakhs from NABARD for that Purpose.
(E) On completion,' your representative may kindly inform me of the annual insurance premium.
(F) The rules state that the equipments have to be insured against accidents and fire,

171. Which of the following will be the SIXTH (LAST) sentence after rearrangement ?
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

172 Which of the following will be the FOURTH sentence after rearrangement?
(c) C
(e) E

173 Which of the following will be the' FIFTH sentence after rearrangement ? .
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

174. Which of the following will be SECOND sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

175 Which of the following will be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement ?
(a) A
(c) C
(d) D
(e) E

Directions (176-180): In each question below a sentence with four words printed in bold type is given: These are numbered as (a), (b), (c) and (d)' One of these four boldly printer words may be either wrongly spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. Find out of which is wrongly spelt or inappropriate, if any. The number of that word is your answer If all the words printed in bold all correctly spelt and also are appropriate in the context of the sentence, mark(e) i.e. 'All Correct's your answer.

176. Some people think that their life is full of grief (a)/ and miseries .(b)/ too grievous (c)/to be born(d)7All Correct        (e).
Ans.(d) The word born's should be replaced by 'born'. The past participle from of verb bear is borne.

177. The opinion (a) /expressed (b)/ is based only on our transactions (c)/ with the party concerns' (d)/'All Correct                  (e).
Ans.(d) The words 'concerns' should be related by 'concerned (V3).

178.I was surprised (a)/ when I got confirmation (b)/ of the news that he was the recipient (C)/ of the prestigious (d)/ award. All Correct (e)

179. The Circumstances (a)/ in which the claim (b)/ was made are certainly (c)/ unbelievable' (d)/All correct(e)
Ans.(a) The correct spelling is circumstances.

180. The authorities (a)/ always request our assistance (b)/ whenever they felt 1c)/ they require (d)/ it' All Correct (e).
Ans.(c) As the sentence is in Simple "Present, the word should be replaced by feel.
Directions (181-185): In each question below' a part is printed in bold It may contain an er.ror' If so' find out -which of the phrase(a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the part printed in bold in the following sentence b make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it is and 'no correction is required', mark (e) as the answer,

181. When they start investigating, several irregularities were detected.
(a) started investigate ,
(b) started an investigation
(c) start investigation
(d) started off investigation
(e) No correction required

182.You must be stopped these undesirable activities immediately.
(a) must have' been stopped
(b) may have been stopped
(c) might have been stopped
(d) must stop
(e) No correction required

183. Farmers in our country suffer because of an over dependence on rain and the threat to natural calamities like floods.
(a) threat of natural .calamities
(b) threat against natural calamities
(c) threatened due to natural calamity
(d) natural calamities threatened
(e) No correction required

184. Automation in agriculture and farm 'management is considered a boon but in fact, it is nor true as they to more unemployment.
(a) it leads to more employment.
(b) theY lead to more employment.
(c) they lead to more unemployment.
(d) it leads to more unemployment.
(e) No correction required

185.The agricultural sector deserves more attention than the industrial sector in our country.
(a) deserves attention more
(b) deserving more attention
(c) deserve more attention
(d) deserve to be attended more
(e) No correction required

Directions (186-200): In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each.five words are suggested one of which fits the blanks appropriately without changing its meaning . Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Many kind of insects are (186) and larger animals learn to (187) eating them. . It is in the (188) of these insects to show a (189) flange of some kind. The typical wasp, for example, (190) a conspicuous colour pattern of black and yellow (191) on its body. This is (192) distinctive that is easy for a (193) animal to remember it. After a few unfortunate experiences is quickly learns to (194) insects bearing this pattern. Other, unrelated, poisonous insect species may also carry a similar pattern. They become members of what has been called a 'warning club'.
The important point for us, in the present (195) is that some harmless species of insects have taken (196) of this system by developing colour patterns similar to those of the poisonous members of the 'warning club'. Certain innocuous flies, for instance, (l97) black and yellow bands on their bodies that mimic the-colour patterns of the wasps. By becoming (198) members of the ,warning club' they reap the benefits without having to fl99) any real poison. The killers dare not attack them, even though they would, In reality, make a (200) meal.

(a) flying
(b) conspicuous
(c) vulnerable
(d) big
(e) poisonous

187. (a) desist
(b) adjust
(c) prefer
(d) avoid
(e) nurture

188. (a) habit
(b) interest
(c) goodwill
(d) welfare
(e) help

189. (a) dangerous
(b) ambiguous
(c) warning
(d) coloured
(e) safety

90. (a) reveal
(b) paints
(c) flashes
(d) Carried
(e) loaded

191. (a) bands
(b) pieces
(c) paint
(d) colours
(e) clothes

192. (a) so
(b) extremely
(c) normally
(d) too
(e) very

193.(a) bold
(b) prey
(c) chased
(d) predatory
(e) hundred

194. (a) hate
(b) love
(c) approach
(d) abstain
(e) avoid

195. (a) text
(b) premise
(c) context
(d) day
(e) view

196. (a) profit.
(b) yield
(c) disadvantage
(d) ride
(e) advantage

197. (a) display
(b) indicates
(c) announce
(d) wear
(e) bears

198. (a) unregistered
(b) fake
(c) honorary
(d) sycophant
(e) original

199. (a) transport
(b) inject
(c) possess
(d) earn
(e) load

200. (a) troublesome
(b) delicious
(c) indigestible:
(d) hazardous
(e) cheap


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